The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Wild Chase
The Circle of Knights in the Crystal Mountain

Mani looked through the opening the wandering stones had left behind, and within the mountain she saw a huge cave made of precious stones. The hall had a vault as wide as the firmament.
At a richly laid table made from diamond twelve knights sat with golden helmets, golden shields and swords, golden spears and battle-axes.

They seemed to be absorbed in deep, deep sleep. None of the delicate dishes were touched, although the gleaming table looked as if it had been laid since time immemorial.

At the upper end of the table sat a mighty warrior with a golden spear in his hand.
His flowing beard had grown around the table, and it seemed to give the table its luminosity.

Otherwise the radiance of these heroes appeared rather subdued to Mani, like white-golden embers resting within themselves.

A deep uncanny quiet emanated from these bold warriors and spread throughout nature.

Now the stones came rolling back from the spring-tide. Having bathed, however, they looked like huge precious stones of many hues, with streaks of gold and silver, scintillating like the stars themselves.
They passed the many-headed dragon, rolled into the opening and closed the mountain behind them.

As soon as the gap had closed, the trees, bushes and the grass danced above it, organized by families, and the nightly roundelay attained serene fulfilment in the deep silence of the mild full-moon night.

Still and silent stood the mountain-forest, like a kettle of light glistening in many shades of silver.
Only very softly it was permeated by the miraculous beams of the onlooking moon.

Deep from within the mountain, as if from a distance, Mani heard very quiet charming music.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Wild Chase
The Wild Hunter
The Eternal Songs of the Fraternities and Guilds
The Wind-Rulers of the Divine Forces
Cheerful Story-Tellers
of Eternity
The Wind-Rulers of the Nine Worlds
The Arrival of the Giants and Alfs
The Liberation of the Mental Powers
The Dance in the Air
The Weapons of Omnipotence
The Consummation of the Paths of Destiny
The Wild Huntress
The Fanners of the
Cosmic Winds
Walpurga's Night
The Dance of the
The Minstrel
The Dance of the Gnomes and the Mountain-Sprites
The Dance of the Hobgoblins
The Dance of the Mermaids, Water-Sprites and Sea-Nixies
The Arrival of the Witches on the Brocken-Mountain
The Practical Jokes
of the Dwarfs
The Dance of the
Forces of Nature
The Queen of Wisdom
in Her Disguise
The Stones of Knowledge
The Circle of Knights in the Crystal Mountain
The Blackeners in the Sign of the New Moon
The Deep-Blue Valkyries of Silence
The Whiteners in the Sign of the Full Moon
The Snow-White Valkyries of
Enlivened Silence
Steadfastness in Action
The Cosmic Tournament of the Steadfast
The Reddeners in the Sign of the Rising Moon
The Red Valkyries of the Enlivened Silence
The Cosmic Purification of the World
The Advent of the
Playful Element
The World-Victory of Pure Consciousness
The World-Festival of the Holy Women
The Dance of the Fairies
The Gods
Enlivening the
Divine Forces in the
World of Man
Enlivening the Gods in the World of Man
The Prophecy of the Golden Age
The Silvery-White Forest of the Silent Ways
The Secret Rulers
of the World
The Great Main Sacrifice in the Sign of the
Full Moon