The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Just Cognition of Power
The Just Cognition of Power

We have been involved in the wondrous development that I have reported faithfully,” the young man finished his report to the owl, ”and we would like to know now which share of power everyone of us had in bringing about this golden age with its immeasurable riches; for this Island of Happiness, if we understand things right, is actually the Island of Might.

“As we know from our own experience of these exercises - in which we participate here - but also from participating in the events at Midgard, that I have reported, happiness springs only from our own inner might, and on that alone our outer exercise of power is founded.

“During our exercises here on the clearings everyone of us makes the experience that with an increase of our very personal feeling of power also automatically a feeling of bliss expands and streams through our consciousness.
We notice that the intensity of the inner bliss-consciousness increases with the higher rings of this island - and thus is related to the place of exercise.

“Participating in the exercises of the middle ring of the mind therefore produces more bliss-consciousness than the exercises of the outer ring of the mind.
And the exercises of the inner ring of the mind in turn produce more bliss-consciousness within us than those of the middle ring of the mind.

“If, however, we enter the field of the rings of cognition through the wood of the silent ways, then we reach a higher class of fulfilment - as if we entered a much higher world - although every ring has its own measure of fulfilment already.
And from the rings of cognition in the light of the moon to those in the light of the sun there is yet another step so big that, when entering this ring of the golden light, one first of all thinks, that only now life is really becoming beautiful - although the inner happiness was overwhelmingly there already before and had increased evermore, as if into infinity.

“The very personal execution of power,” the speaker continued, ”was apparently the prerequisite or the key to individual happiness; this much we have understood from our experiences - for the application of the so-called ”supernormal abilitiesi required, by its system, the coordinated application of our understanding, feeling and cosmic life-breath, if the exercises were to work at all.
And whenever within us the cooling understanding, the warming feeling and the almighty, immortal, inner cosmic life-breath merged and became active creatively, then within us this infinitely blessing and relieving bliss-consciousness arose and permeated all fibres of our personality like an all-refreshing, all-warming and all-enlivening nectar - this is how far our personal experience goes.

“But now we are interested in finding out, to what extent the position of the individual in human society - and thus the possibility of outer execution of power - was of significance to everyone practising.
As for the events in Midgard, which had been reported, we all had been involved in many different ways, and obviously we all have contributed to the success of the undertaking - but each in his own manner and through applying very different personal power.
We all have been richly rewarded for our contribution - because the implementation of divine plans gives everyone his riches in abundance.

“But still we would like to know which significance the starting point has from where an action is performed - which role the position in human society has as a jumping board for the execution of power; this is why we have come here.”

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Just Cognition of Power
The Just Cognition of Power
Varied Are the Offices of Power
The Power of the King
The Power of Habit
The Power of Wisdom
The Power of Trying
The Power of Eloquence
The Power of Dignity
of Office
The Power of
Professional Expertise
The Power of Responsibility
The Power of Disguise
The Power of Humaneness
The Power of
Parental Dignity
The Power of Royal Dignity
The Power of Routine
The Power of the
Fulfilment of Duty
The Power of Time
The Power of Ignorance
The Power of the Goals
The Power of Insight
The Power of
Pure Knowledge
The Power of
Pure Consciousness
The Power of Intuition
The Power of Enlightenment
The Power of Obedience
The Power of Truth
The Power of
The Power of Prudence
The Power of Foresight
The Power of Secrets
The Power of Education
The Power of the Desires
The Power of Experience
The Power of the
States of Consciousness
The Power of Friendship
The Power of Resolution
The Power of Radiance
The Power of Intention
The Power of Fullness
The Power of Purity
The Power of Naturalness
The Power of Freedom
The Power of the
Laws of Nature
The Power of Natural Order
The Power of
Creative Thinking
The Power of Insight
The Power of Righteousness
The Power of Perfection
The Power of Tradition
The Power of Communion
The Power of Honour
The Power of Comparison
The Power of Curiosity
The Power of the Child
The Power of Reputation
The Power of Recommendation
The Power of Honesty
The Power of Presentation
The Power of
The Power of Progress
The Power of the
The Power of Preparation
The Power of Happiness
Supernormal Power
The Power of the Question
The Power of Practise
The Power of Prudence
The Power of the
Formation of Character
The Power of Joy
The Power of Yoga
The Power of Evolution
The Power of the
Angle of View
The Power of Purpose
The Power of Guidance
The Power of the Free Will
The Direction of Power
The Story of the Two Yowans