The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Middle Ring of Cognition in the Light of the Sun
Highest Fulfilment of Desires

The wise man affectionately took a golden beaker and gave everyone to drink from the milk - the white elephant as well as the horseman and his horse, and the fly which sat on the horseis head as well as the butterfly which craned forward from the trunk of the elephant, but also the tree which stretched its roots forward underneath the belly of the horse, to obtain from the potion of fulfilment, and the grass as well which had settled on the roots of the tree reaching now with its own little rootlets towards the man - like to a gracious father.

But also the glistening precious stone that rolled forward on the back of a scintillating snake got its share of the milk, and the pearl too that rolled near on the back of another snake and that now nestled against the diamond.

But now pride itself pushed forward and stood next to the ass.
And it was passed by burning ambition twisting its way with unbelievable skill between the pride and the ass, like Mani had seen the snakes winding forward between the legs of the chicken.

A green frog tried to climb over ambition but the latter did not allow; it took it affectionately, but determinedly by the hand, and now the two held their mouths towards the man, full of hope and expectation.

To the left of ambition and the frog a large fir pushed its way trying carefully all the time not to annoy anyone with its pricky, yet very beautiful needles that gleamed like emeralds; and it succeeded to be very gentle towards ambition and to move along its side unobtrusively. Now it also stretched its roots forward.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Middle Ring
of Cognition in the
Light of the Sun

The Cow of Perfect Fulfilment of Desires
Enlivening the
Fields of Conscience
The Cosmic World-Festival of Desires
The Origin of Desires
The Soul on Its
Cosmic Journey
The World of Desires
The Cosmic Way
to Freedom
The Procession
of the Desires
The Father of Desires
Highest Fulfilment
of Desires
The Dance of Desires
The Perfect Shape of the Cosmic Fulfilment
of Desires
The Tale of the Sage Sehermund and His Wishing-Cow
The Royal Duty
The Just Fulfilment
of the Royal Duty
The Wealth of
Sages and of Kings
The Common Responsibility of the
Sage and the King
The Experience
of Freedom
The Power of Wisdom
The Natural Desire for Freedom From the
Royal Duties
The Unbending Will
of the Sage
The Skill of the Sage in Exerting His Power
The Secret Means and Ways of the Sages
The Test of the King