The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Middle Ring of Cognition in the Light of the Sun
Enlivening the Fields of Conscience

Around the stars now a threefold, gleaming, mysterious twinkling and shimmering arose; it filled the infinity of space like a cosmic host of delicate, exceedingly fine beings of light which enlivened more and more, and which came here from the stars of the world with unimaginable speed like witnesses of the finest effulgence, streaming near from all times.

With the fragrance of the diverse splendour of flowers of the clearing a delicate, celestial music arose, resounding like the welcoming song for the reception of the light-beings of the times that came rushing near in brighter and brighter shining streams.

Although the music sounded in an infinite variety, it still embodied only the silence which surrounded the radiant man with his cow like a natural habitat.

Self-effulgent emeralds in the shape of strong blades of grass reached full of delicacy towards the stars; between the multi-green blades brilliant precious stones in all shapes and hues climbed the ladder of light, striving for the lively world.
Now the three immeasurable streams of light of the sky drew so near that Mani was able to distinguish details.

A golden stream of light poured near from the sun, on the other side another one came silvery-white from the moon towards the clearing, and in the middle between these two mighty pillars of flowing light very fine light-arrows of infinite length came running like golden gleaming channels, each of them surrounded by a glory that shone in many colours.

All these fine gold-streams of the firmament were clad into a delicate white haze of light, like into a veil of light which connected them intimately and held them together - like the milk of the mother-cow holds the calves together.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Middle Ring
of Cognition in the
Light of the Sun

The Cow of Perfect Fulfilment of Desires
Enlivening the
Fields of Conscience
The Cosmic World-Festival of Desires
The Origin of Desires
The Soul on Its
Cosmic Journey
The World of Desires
The Cosmic Way
to Freedom
The Procession
of the Desires
The Father of Desires
Highest Fulfilment
of Desires
The Dance of Desires
The Perfect Shape of the Cosmic Fulfilment
of Desires
The Tale of the Sage Sehermund and His Wishing-Cow
The Royal Duty
The Just Fulfilment
of the Royal Duty
The Wealth of
Sages and of Kings
The Common Responsibility of the
Sage and the King
The Experience
of Freedom
The Power of Wisdom
The Natural Desire for Freedom From the
Royal Duties
The Unbending Will
of the Sage
The Skill of the Sage in Exerting His Power
The Secret Means and Ways of the Sages
The Test of the King