The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Shadow Images of Reality at the Silvery-White Gate to the Transcendence
The Play of the Queens of Fate

Now the beautiful sisters picked up three balls lying next to them in the grass; one of them was golden and radiated like the sun, the next one was silver and shone like the moon, and the third globe gleamed and glistened like the combined splendour of the stars. The girls began to play with these wonderful balls; they threw those gleaming glories skilfully at each other and caught them with their free hand, while the other hand incessantly turned the spindle and spun the golden thread.
Now they rose and went singing and gracefully playing through the blossoming park that surrounded the crystal castle.
The glistening fortress shone as if bathed in bright sunshine as soon as the golden sphere rose and moved through the air, and directed by a tender hand it hurried towards the hand of the sister to settle there; and no sooner had the sun-ball reached the soft hand than a rainbow swung from the ball towards the palace and threw its golden light onto the magnificent park.

Clad into a golden aura, this colourful rainbow-bridge reflected in every single ripple of the well and in each of the innumerable dew-drops that covered all the trees, shrubs, grasses and all flowers.
Merrily these small pearls of happiness were rolling on the plants dressed in many shades of green, each single drop a mirror of the world in the divine play of the three miraculous fairies.

And when the moon-like shimmering sphere, as if on gentle wings, alighted on the hand of one of the other fairies like a falcon as though it wanted to give refreshing coolness to the moon-catcher with its silvery rays, then another rainbow-bridge rose from that sphere, wrapping itself into a silvery-white envelope of luminosity as gentle as a breeze, and reached towards the palace.
Its mild rays settled on the innumerable dew-drops that were warmed by the sun-bow and cooled them, and they refreshed the world with the enlivening forces of pure consciousness.

However, as soon as the star-ball settled on the hand of one of the gracious sisters, the golden-silvery splendour, that poured over the world from the two other balls, shone forth once more in colourful beauty.
The tenderness of this display of colours emanated from the crystal-like rainbow that had spread from the star-ball towards the palace.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Shadow Images of Reality at the Silvery-White Gate to the Transcendence
The Two Manifestations of the Chase of Cognition
The Two Manifestations of the Workers of Destiny
The Queen of Fate
of the Past
The Queen of Fate
of the Present
The Queen of Fate
of the Future
The Play of the Queens
of Fate
The Defilement of the Powers of Fate
The Rulers Over the Year
The King of Winter in the Sign of the New Moon
The King of Winter in the Sign of the Full Moon
The King of Summer in the Sign of the Sun
The Emperor of the Seasons in the Sign of the Stars
Ousting the Powers of Fate
The Mock Fight
of the Seasons
The Beautiful Sovereigns
of the World
Insight Into the
Magic Kingdom of the
Powers of Fate
The Three Sources
of Immortality
The Joy-Giving Blessing
of Pure Consciousness
The Happiness-Giving
Sun-Rain of
Pure Self-Awareness
The Blessing Star-Rain
of Wisdom
The Omnipotence of the Powers of Destiny
The Celestial Bridges of Pure Knowledge