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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

That is why on the other hand, there is not a more suit­able device to cause dam­age in this re­spect with the ac­cord­ing dis­har­mo­ni­ous mu­sic.
I have com­mented on this in de­tail else­where un­der the title “The Bene­fits and Harm of Mu­sic in So­ci­ety”. As I said be­fore­hand, a hu­man be­ing will then be­come ill and fi­nally die if the soul has de­cided to no longer live in this mind and body – if it has de­cided to move out.

I also be­lieve that it is very im­por­tant in this con­text to un­der­stand that any kind of ex­ter­nal help and ma­nipu­la­tion re­gard­ing our health can­not, in the end, be ef­fec­tive – apart from the fact that such ex­ter­nal medi­cal ma­nipu­la­tions are not his­tori­cally proven.

Na­ture̱s ef­fi­cient way is to achieve ab­so­lu­te heal­ing from within. Of course, there have al­ways been ex­perts – and we have also heard some of them at this con­fer­ence – who con­firm my opin­ion, as I have just ex­plained it, by say­ing that health is best achieved through medi­ta­tion or simi­lar things.

But there is also a cer­tain dif­fi­culty with medi­ta­tion – be­cause on the one hand, there are many so-called “medi­ta­tions”, which are only so by name, but not in re­al­ity, and which are there­fore not ef­fec­tive.
And on the other hand, many peo­ple in our so-called “civi­lised world” find it dif­fi­cult to take this easy or bet­ter: plain path.

If you want to pursue me­dia­tion suc­cess­fully, you have to be honest and up­right to­wards your­self and your soul. For in true medi­ta­tion, your own con­sci­ence will tell you very clearly and un­equivo­cally: ”Change this as­pect of your life, and change that as­pect of your life!”

But most peo­ple do not want to change their li­ves. They do ac­tu­ally want to medi­tate, in or­der to draw cer­tain ad­van­tages from it, but: they do not want to change their li­ves!
And eve­ry day then their con­sci­ence knocks at their in­ner door dur­ing medi­ta­tion tell­ing them: “You must change this or that, oth­er­wise your health will suffer – just as if you were not medi­tat­ing!”

Thus, it is not the case that medi­ta­tion alone and auto­mati­cally changes our health com­pletely – of course, it helps in this di­rec­tion –, but it also sup­plies us with in­for­ma­tion through the voice of our con­sci­ence, which tells us: this is worse and this is bet­ter for me.
And if I do not lis­ten to this in­ner voice of my own con­sci­ence, then medi­ta­tion can only help in a lim­ited way.

For this rea­son, even a very re­spect­able medi­ta­tion sys­tem may en­coun­ter dif­fi­cul­ties.

Methamorphoses No. 4