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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

In the case of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®, mu­sic is do­ing the work. Mu­sic is a fin­ished sys­tem and/or prod­uct. I only lis­ten to mu­sic, and mu­sic – I am talk­ing about har­moni­cally struc­tured mu­sic – pro­duces the same ef­fect as suc­cess­ful medi­ta­tion: it har­mo­nises and calms my in­ner hu­man pow­ers, and leads me to an in­ner peace: it stops the proc­ess of my think­ing, and in the most fa­vour­able case, when my think­ing stops, it leads me to a state of com­plete in­ner rest­ing alert­ness – and that this also hap­pens in time is our ex­peri­ence. This is then the spiri­tual as­pect of mu­sic struc­tured ac­cord­ing to the har­mony laws of na­ture, and it is in fact very im­por­tant for the strength­en­ing of our health.
And it is ab­so­lutely suf­fi­cient if we see this spiri­tual as­pect only un­der the point of view of our health – whether we look at it from a reli­gious point of view is in my opin­ion not im­por­tant.

Alone for our health, spiri­tu­al­ity as such is im­por­tant enough, be­cause strength­en­ing the soul and/or the ex­peri­ence of the soul is the natu­ral foun­da­tion of our health.

In our so-called “civi­lised world”, most peo­ple do not know their soul at all. Sauerbruch, a very fa­mous phy­si­cian dur­ing the time of the Third Reich – he was also Adolf Hitleṟs per­sonal phy­si­cian – once said: “I have op­er­ated on so many peo­ple, but never found a soul!”
But let us rather as­sume that we have a soul, and that its strengthening and har­moni­sa­tion is very im­por­tant to our health.

Even if out­side of this In­ter­na­tional Con­gress, part of the con­tem­po­rary sci­en­tific ex­perts is of a dif­fer­ent opin­ion, it seems im­por­tant to me to strengthen the soul as such, in or­der to pro­vide our­selves for our health – be­yond the large health mar­ket and health busi­ness – with fun­da­men­tal en­ergy of life, in­tel­li­gence of life and har­mony of life.

We only use Medical Resonance Therapy Music® for this like a guide to our in­ner world of think­ing. It is only a tool or a ve­hi­cle – but this har­moni­cally struc­tured mu­sic leads us to where the wa­ter of life wells up from our in­ner na­ture, so that we are able to drink it.
Whether we are really able to drink it or not, we must then see.

If I fall asleep dur­ing this de­ci­sive moment, I can­not drink, of course. But if I suc­ceed in stay­ing awake, I have ful­filled a good pre-con­di­tion to be able to drink at all.

And if I am able to stay awake there, where I do not think – at that in­ner source, where “my” think­ing springs from –, and if there be­yond think­ing I can be active as well as inactive with my innermost organs of knowl­edge: intellect, feeling and mind, then I am pre­pared enough to drink from the quali­ties of my soul:
All my in­ner or­gans of knowl­edge – my intellect, my feeling, my mind, my inner sense of per­cep­tion –, they can all live on my soul, they can “drink” its energy of life, intelligence of life and har­mony of life.

And they are only able to live on my soul any­way – they can­not absorb any nour­ish­ment from out­side – this is a cos­mic law and would be against na­ture.
We are here deal­ing with a closed in­ner world be­yond think­ing and/or within think­ing, as my in­ner pow­ers of life live within my mind as if in a house – just like my mind then li­ves in my body as if in a house.

But my soul has the natural power, the actual say.

Violin Concert No. 4