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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories

Peter Hübner
The Significance of the Soul
to Medicine

A lecture given by the classical composer and musicologist at the “Eleventh International Congress on Stress” of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STRESS in Hawaii.
“If we wish to help a hu­man be­ing ho­lis­ti­cally, then there is no higher natu­ral point of view, es­pe­cially in the area of health, than to con­cen­trate on the soul – any­thing else can­not be re­garded as ho­lis­tic.

Our physi­ol­ogy is not ho­lis­tic. And in so far as we func­tion ho­lis­ti­cally – as we think ho­lis­ti­cally at all –, this is only the case, be­cause our self con­trols it in such a way.
This is my per­sonal opin­ion and ex­peri­ence. And it is also the state­ment made by Pythagoras, and for this rea­son he says: “The soul is the key to health”.

Thus, if we want to im­prove our health ho­lis­ti­cally and/or fun­da­men­tally, we have to start with the soul and not with our physiology.
Nor­mally the soul should control and/or govern our physi­ol­ogy. But nowa­days our physi­ol­ogy seems to gov­ern our soul or at least tries to do so.

As you know, Pythagoras was a phy­si­cian. He was also a com­poser, mu­si­cian, mathe­ma­ti­cian and phi­loso­pher; he gave the word “cos­mos” its pre­sent mean­ing, he cre­ated the word “mathe­mat­ics” as well as the word “phi­loso­phy”.
He was with­out any doubt one of the great­est think­ers in our his­tory – and it is no ac­ci­dent that we claim him to be the foun­der of our sci­en­tific age.

As far as his medi­cal teach­ing is con­cerned, Pythagoras taught his stu­dents at dif­fer­ent lev­els:

First of all, his train­ing con­cen­trated fun­da­men­tally on po­ten­tial doc­tors learn­ing to “hear” ill­ness – first of all for them­selves and then to “hear” the ill­ness of their pa­tients.

To­day we think this is im­pos­si­ble, but I can as­sure you that I my­self and sev­eral other peo­ple, who are ac­cus­tomed to lis­ten­ing to this Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® on a regu­lar basis – i.e. eve­ry day –, gradu­ally learn to hear the phe­nome­non of ill­ness inside them­selves, but also hear the par­ticu­lar dis­ease in an­other sick per­son en­ter­ing the room.

It is not that you would hear from there a tone or any sounds – but in some way or other, the mag­netic field or what­ever else it may be, man­ages to move from this per­son into our own brain and thoughts. And sud­denly we hear it within our­selves.

It is proba­bly easi­est to hear a cold.
I don’t know how many peo­ple have al­ready ex­peri­enced the sound of a cold – but the sound of a cold is very spe­cial, and it can also be: heard.

So, if a per­son with a cold en­ters the room, you can ei­ther feel it at once – even if one does not have a cold or not yet anyhow: But you think you have one.

But it may be that there are some peo­ple here at the con­fer­ence who feel some­thing like that di­rectly. Is that true?

(Some con­fer­ence par­tici­pants con­firmed that they know this ex­peri­ence – but mainly it is an in­stinct).

Hymns of the Domes No 1