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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

If some­body says: “I cure!” and he says this as a doc­tor, and he is not even the one who is the think­ing per­son and truly speak­ing – the crea­tor of his thoughts and words –, how can he be the one who cures?
It looks very much as if the whole matter of think­ing, speak­ing and then: cur­ing only takes place by means of na­ture, and is di­rectly con­trolled by na­ture – not by any­body else. This view could lib­er­ate all of us – if this is true! That is what en­ters my mind, and that is why I will come to the point now: if “we” think “we” are help­ing some­body in the field of health, we should fun­da­men­tally take into ac­count that na­ture has or­gan­ised eve­ry­thing in such a way that a liv­ing be­ing is ca­pa­ble of help­ing it­self out of its in­ner self.

And through which in­sti­tu­tion does it do so?

This is the soul. The soul passes the en­ergy of life and the in­tel­li­gence of life to the in­ner or­gans – which means: to our breath­ing, to our intellect, to our feeling and our mind, as well as our senses of per­cep­tion – which we must not con­fuse with our outer sen­sory or­gans, be­cause here we are deal­ing with our in­ner senses, which we also use in our dream for in­stance.

And through these, our in­ner or­gans of life, all these quali­ties of en­ergy, in­tel­li­gence, vi­tal­ity, har­mony etc. are passed on to our neuro-physi­ol­ogy.

But if this does not work – if we do not suc­ceed in ac­ti­vat­ing our soul for this – or if we even pre­vent our soul from do­ing so, then dis­ease ap­pears on the scene of our life.
Thus, dis­ease is only an ex­pres­sion that our soul is ham­pered in that normal activity, for which it is made.

Our soul takes care of eve­ry­thing: of our health: that we are feeling well – that we are happy: of eve­ry­thing con­cern­ing our life. But if we pre­vent it from do­ing so, our soul stops look­ing af­ter our well-be­ing and says: I want to move out of this house.

And then a per­son will be­come ill. And if the souḻs de­ci­sion to move out has be­come clear and defi­nite, then doc­tors say: this per­son can­not be cured.
But all this only hap­pens, be­cause the soul has de­cided: I do not like this house, I am mov­ing out of this house.

I be­lieve this to be an in­ter­est­ing point of knowl­edge and medi­cal con­tem­pla­tion in the medi­cal world of the fu­ture, be­cause it ul­ti­mately shows: what­ever ef­forts a doc­tor might un­der­take – it should only be a phase to reach that point where he can ac­ti­vate the soul to con­tinue main­tain­ing the body, where he can sup­port the soul in its in­ner strength, and es­pe­cially: in its in­ner har­mony.

Wise peo­ple such as Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato con­tin­ued to em­pha­sise that the best tool for this was a kind of mu­sic which was struc­tured ac­cord­ing to the har­mony laws of na­ture.
And Confucius, too, the great men­tal teacher in an­cient China, who, as we all know – just like Pythagoras – was a com­poser, mu­si­cian and phi­loso­pher, gave har­moni­cally struc­tured mu­sic the great­est sig­nifi­cance for the weal and woe of the whole of so­ci­ety.

But, ac­cord­ing to the state­ments of these wise men, it must not just be any kind of mu­sic – most mu­sic, es­pe­cially nowa­days, is only suit­able to ho­lis­ti­cally dis­turb or even de­stroy a per­soṉs har­mony of the soul.
But on prin­ci­ple there is no other ele­ment that is as suit­able to really har­mo­nise the soul and con­se­quently the whole per­son or even the whole of so­ci­ety in a sci­en­tific way and to sup­port it in its natu­ral health.

Hymns of the Sun 2nd Movement