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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

When a per­soṉs think­ing is re­peat­edly bro­ken through by deep sleep – be­cause of a com­plete lack of ex­peri­ence – this per­son can never know for cer­tain whether he or she is dreaming or in day con­scious­ness. In my dreams I have often asked the peo­ple I have dreamt of re­gard­ing this situa­tion – I tell them: “I dream you all!” They an­swered: “You are tell­ing tall sto­ries!”
I said: “Yes, I dream you, and when I wake up, you have all gone!” They said: “This is a joke!”
I woke up: they were all gone!

Well, this also points to an­other func­tion inside of us; the “free will”.

As in the wake­ful con­scious­ness – or let us say: dur­ing “day-to-day” – I have no power in my dream to let the per­sons I dream say what I want to hear from them. For the same rea­sons, it may happen that I am fol­lowed in my dream by a lion.
Yet I am the one dream­ing! – but al­though I am the one dream­ing, I can­not pre­vent the lion from run­ning af­ter me, and my­self from run­ning away from the lion.

This ex­peri­ence shows in my opin­ion the func­tion of free will, and it shows that the free will is an (in­ner) au­thor­ity, which is, at least from our per­sonal wishes and wants, com­pletely free – and we may also learn a lot from this for our wake­ful con­scious­ness.

Well, and in this con­text – from this ex­peri­ence – I would like to say the fol­low­ing: we can­not even say what we think our­selves – that we our­selves are the crea­tor of our think­ing.

When I am think­ing, then I at least know on my part, from my own ex­peri­ence, that my “own think­ing” is at best an il­lu­sion: that on the one hand, this is not “re­al­ity”, and that, on the other hand it is not “my” think­ing, and that I per­son­ally am not the thinker – the crea­tor of “my” thoughts –, but that I only per­ceive what is hap­pen­ing in the field of my mind.

“My think­ing” is there­fore a com­para­tively ex­ter­nal ex­peri­ence – in my in­ner self I am not think­ing at all –, I am on the other side of think­ing: from there I ex­peri­ence my think­ing like events on a screen.

Har­monic mu­sic – i.e. mu­sic ac­cord­ing to the har­mony laws of na­ture – teaches us this.

And Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® pro­duces this ex­peri­ence for many peo­ple: they find out that their thinking runs through like a cin­ema film: that it is not their per­sonal think­ing at all: that they really have lit­tle to do with it or noth­ing at all –, but that “their” think­ing runs through as if auto­mati­cally.

And who takes care of our think­ing? Quite ob­vi­ously, na­ture takes care of our think­ing over our heads.
But if that is true: that I am not a think­ing per­son: that na­ture de­ter­mines my think­ing, then, of course, the ques­tion arises at this con­fer­ence: “What about the field of medi­cine?”

Cello Concert No. 1