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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

It may be that we can train peo­ple in medi­cine in this way again, just as Pythagoras did in his fa­mous school. To ex­peri­ence health as such is some­thing very beau­ti­ful and im­mensely up­lift­ing.
And we can learn to ex­peri­ence “health” – and: we can teach this as a sci­en­tific dis­ci­pline.

The word “medi­ta­tion” was men­tioned sev­eral times at this con­fer­ence in a medi­cal con­text, other ap­pro­pri­ate things were cited, re­lig­ion was also ad­dressed – with re­gard to the sci­en­tific use of mu­sic in the field of medi­cine, I would like to add: with the help of the har­mony laws of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic one can train one­self to hear health as such.
Mu­sic – natu­rally cre­ated mu­sic – such as Medical Resonance Therapy Music® can help us with this, be­cause, on the basis of its natu­ral ho­lis­tic struc­ture ac­cord­ing to the har­mony laws of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic, it leads us in a sys­tem­atic-logi­cal man­ner to where “health” is es­tab­lished by na­ture.

When we hear this har­moni­cally struc­tured mu­sic, we tend to fall asleep. And when we learn step by step to move to­wards sleep with our con­scious­ness, but not ac­tu­ally to fall asleep, but rather con­tinue hear­ing, we no­tice that we lock our outer hear­ing from the inside – so that we no longer hear the mu­sic sound­ing from out­side –, but that we sud­denly only hear from inside.
We are com­pletely awake, we are not sleep­ing, and in this com­plete alert­ness we are able to per­ceive in our deep in­ner self what “health” sounds like.

And this is a very beau­ti­ful ex­peri­ence, it is a com­pletely har­mo­ni­ous ex­peri­ence, and it in­cludes all our senses of ex­peri­ence as well as our in­ner cog­ni­tive or­gans – it is a very lib­er­at­ing, ex­tremely pleas­ant ex­peri­ence.

The learn­ing proc­ess of hear­ing “health” as such, should be part of fu­ture medi­cal edu­ca­tion – and this has al­ready be­gun, be­cause more and more peo­ple tell me that what I have just de­scribed, is their per­sonal ex­peri­ence, too.

So when hearing Medical Resonance Therapy Music® they ex­peri­ence how the qual­ity of their think­ing changes more and more, and how they sud­denly no longer think at all.

This is a com­pletely new and un­fa­mil­iar ex­peri­ence, an ab­so­lutely new phe­nome­non: that they are not think­ing at all and are nev­er­the­less wide awake.

“Pure aware­ness” some peo­ple call it – what­ever names we may use for it: it hap­pens with this mu­sic.
Sud­denly they ex­peri­ence where their thinking begins – they sud­denly re­al­ise what their health really means to them. And some of them ex­peri­ence “life” it­self.

Hymne of the Sun 1st Movement