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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

When I write a new sym­phony, at the same time tak­ing into ac­count and ap­ply­ing the har­mony laws of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic, I might use 100,000 tones and sounds dur­ing re­cording.
But if I mix in only one sin­gle wrong tone, eve­ry child and eve­ry sim­ple per­son can say at once: this is a wrong tone, and this is the only wrong tone in the whole piece of work with 100,000 dif­fer­ent tones and sounds: “That one tone is wrong, and eve­ry­thing else is cor­rect!”

How does a hu­man be­ing come to know this? We know this, be­cause it is built into our sys­tem – be­cause we have the abil­ity from birth to hear some­thing like this.
And as this is al­ready na­ture̱s de­sign, eve­ry hu­man be­ing should be able to hear their own har­mony and/or dis­har­mony within them­selves – but also the har­mony and/or dis­har­mony of an­other per­son.

We should learn to au­then­ti­cally es­tab­lish the level of har­mony in our­selves as well as oth­ers by sim­ple, natu­ral in­ner hear­ing.
And I think, this is a good foun­da­tion for im­prov­ing our health – but at least also for know­ing some­thing about health.

And then there is still the most im­por­tant thing: no­body usu­ally ex­peri­ences di­rectly, what “health” is.

One per­son says: “I am not well for this rea­son.” the other per­son says: “I am not well for that rea­son.” A third per­son: “This hurts me!”
But who ac­tu­ally ex­peri­ences “not hurt­ing” as such? Who ex­peri­ences health in it­self?

It is ab­so­lutely pos­si­ble to prac­tise hear­ing and/or ex­peri­enc­ing it via the in­ner ear or: hear­ing, be­cause: health is pure har­mony: natu­ral har­mony.
When we hear pure har­mony in our in­ner self, then we hear health – and I am the arche­typal clas­si­cal com­poser, and there­fore know what I am talk­ing about.
For, be­fore writ­ing any­thing down, I hear it inside – and I am not an ex­cep­tion, be­cause this is the tra­di­tion of clas­si­cal com­pos­ing: you hear in­ner har­mony, and then write it down.

So in this case one is a writer, and not a crea­tor. The clas­si­cal com­pos­ers of the past have never claimed to be the crea­tors of “their work” – this also ap­plies to my­self. I am not the crea­tor, I am only the writer – I write down, what I hear inside.

And who is the one who “is cre­at­ing”? It may be – na­ture. But who­ever is cre­at­ing – I only write it down. I have com­mented on this suf­fi­ciently elsewhere, ade­quately quot­ing clas­si­cal com­pos­ers from his­tory.

So when I now hear har­mony, I con­clude that my sys­tem – i.e. also my in­ner life – is run­ning ac­cord­ingly, in har­mony. And when I hear dis­har­mony, I con­clude that my con­di­tion and/or my in­ner life is ac­cord­ingly in dis­har­mony.

Thus, when I learn to assess and ana­lyse these ex­peri­ences re­gard­ing a spe­cial edu­ca­tional pro­gram in mu­sic or a spe­cial mu­sic pro­gram in edu­ca­tion, I can fi­nally dif­fer­en­ti­ate be­tween this and an­other dis­ease through my in­ner hear­ing.
And in fu­ture, this pos­si­bil­ity should stimu­late the en­tire field of medi­cine.

Symphonies of the Great Steram No. 1