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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

Mu­sic that is struc­tured ac­cord­ing to the har­mony laws of na­ture can fun­da­men­tally lead us to that source where the stream of our life ac­tiv­ity springs from our soul, and how it reaches our think­ing.
And this is the rea­son why so many peo­ple, es­pe­cially in the ini­tial phase – when they are not yet ac­cus­tomed to hear­ing this mu­sic over a longer pe­riod – fall asleep while they are hear­ing it. You lie down, put the head­phones on and lis­ten to the mu­sic. And if ini­tially you per­haps do not go to sleep, you can as­sume with cer­tainty that in our pre­sent-day so-called civi­lised world full of stress you need sleep.
Af­ter a longer pe­riod of lis­ten­ing – and I do not mean non-stop, but af­ter some days or weeks – you regu­larly fall asleep, whilst lis­ten­ing to this har­moni­cal mu­sic.

But af­ter fur­ther re­peated lis­ten­ing you will fall asleep less and less often, be­cause you have had enough sleep in the mean­time, and are suf­fi­ciently re­cu­per­ated and re­gen­er­ated.
And then you sud­denly stay awake – with­out think­ing and nev­er­the­less do not lose con­scious­ness.

This is surely a par­ticu­larly in­ter­est­ing point where the sci­en­tific stud­ies as such are con­cerned – I mean: the medi­cal re­search – , be­cause here com­pletely new un­sus­pected and sur­pris­ing ex­peri­ences may be ex­pected.

The sci­en­tists say: “This is real and that is not real”.

What hap­pens to the sci­en­tist? The sci­en­tist goes home – he is tired from work.
In the eve­ning he goes to bed and falls asleep – into deep sleep – he dreams – and once again falls into deep sleep. In this deep sleep he does not know who he is and whether he is at all – he does not know any­thing.

Af­ter that he thinks he is “awake” – and finds out: he was not awake yet, he was just dream­ing – but now he is awake! Then he finds out again: no, that was a dream again, now he is sure he is awake!
Such a sci­en­tist can never say for cer­tain whether he is really awake or whether this is not just an­other dream.

If he wants to be sure in his judge­ment, he must be able to close the gulf between his dream con­scious­ness and his wake­ful con­scious­ness in such a way that he is awake all the time: so that he is also awake when he is not think­ing any­thing – when he is nei­ther in his dream nor rela­tive wake­ful con­scious­ness: in his day con­scious­ness.

Only when he does not fall into deep sleep and/or un­con­sci­ous­ness in his in­ner self: only when he no longer loses con­scious­ness: only when deep sleep no longer takes hold of him and takes away his con­scious­ness of him­self: only then can I be­lieve that he knows some­thing about “re­al­ity” – not be­fore!

I think, it is very im­por­tant to take this into con­sid­era­tion, when talk­ing about exact in­cor­rupti­ble sci­ence. Sci­en­tists like to think that this right now is re­al­ity, and they teach oth­ers about this “re­al­ity”.
But it may very well be that this is not re­al­ity at all, that it is only that what they call “re­al­ity” – of course, from my modest point of view.

I am a clas­si­cal com­poser, and there­fore can afford to talk “non­sense” in front of sci­en­tists: “All this here is only an il­lu­sion!”

The Art of the Feminine No. 1