The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Inner Ring of Cognition in the Light of the Sun
The Star-Palace of Omnipotence

When after some time the luminous floating veils of haze above cleared and the flowing streams became less, Mani could gradually see through the rings as they became less and less.

And when she finally looked into the last of these sounding rings as if into an open sphere, she saw an immense castle soaring high above - even above the whirling streams of bliss; like a star-fortress of wisdom it shone right above the center of the mountain of happiness.

Nine mighty rainbow-bridges rose from the heavenly meadow and swung upward in seven steps to the golden palace of omnipotence.

On each of the landings that interrupted the colourful bridges an iridescent castle rose with a silver-white roof and twelve towers with golden shining spires.

Silvery-white oceans of light streamed permanently from the roofs towards the rising moon; and from the golden tops of the towers streams of golden glow turned towards the setting sun.

But also the golden palace above had twelve mighty towers of its own - and three of them rose higher than all the others.

All the roofs of these towers twinkled like the starry firmament itself, whereas the roof of the palace shone forth in gold.
Innumerable streams of golden glow - surrounded by colourfully scintillating garlands of light as if by magic robes - strove from the towers up to the stars of the lofty sky; and the streams of milk returned, golden outside and silvery inside, and gushed like nectar onto the golden palace-roof.

Here they were collected by the colourful flowers which bathed in the sun in countless numbers around the palace but also on its golden roof, and which lead the golden-white nectar through their twigs down to the foundation of the palace, where the sidereal drink was collected in golden bowls of sacrifice.

This palace had 540 golden gates, and was twelvefold, ninefold, and fivefold in structure, richly set with jewels, embellished with silver-inlays and with the great symbols of the worlds.

Coming from the rainbow-bridges, innumerable boys and girls in magnificent dresses went permanently through these mighty ports into the palace; and just as many went from within the castle on the bridges that scintillated in many colours, from where they went down the rainbow-streets.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Inner Ring of Cognition in the
Light of the Sun

The Inner Ring of Cognition in the
Light of the Sun
The Great Sun-Sacrifice
The Singing Star-Streams of Wisdom
The Star-Palace of Omnipotence
The Seven Rainbow-Castles of Knowledge