The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Inner Ring of Cognition in the Light of the Sun
The Great Sun-Sacrifice

Suddenly Mani saw in the midst of this dancing diversity golden oasises of the deepest silence; around the golden mountain of happiness she saw - like within the sun - a ring of finely stacked smokeless fires of cognition.

At each place of sacrifice were boys and girls, bright and golden; they sat on sumptuously embellished mats in lotus-seat and practised meditation, having their eyes closed.

As Mani saw them and felt how the lively silence extended from them, naturally the thought rose in her mind that all the blissful thrill that had permeated her more and more mightily since she had entered the rings of cognition emanated originally from these quiet boys and girls; and Mani began to know that, formed by the lively silence of being, they were the natural masters over the very highest creative power.

“Here in the sunlight-gleaming field of absolute self-awareness arises and ends all inner and outer happening of the world and all freedom and all destiny,” thought Mani, ”and from here grows all cosmic purpose, visible within and without - but also the meaning of that nature which unfolds into space and time.

“Here then is the sun-gate to the star-world of pure knowledge; from here the divine streams flow into all the worlds and nourish immortality; from here the perfect world is built from the substance of bliss, a world which the busy deluded - trapped in the tangles of mortality - never beholds, hardly anticipates, and from the point of view of his discontentment puts off as unreal - an almighty magic world from where the sage draws so miraculously.”

“These golden sun-sacrifices form the lively core of all creative power,” Sol explained to his sister. ”The divine sparks of knowledge can grow only on the pure fertile ground of an efficient sacrifice; one has to perform this sacrifice in the golden realm of oneis own conscience - where oneis creative cognitive process is held together threefold by the cosmic life-breath.

And as immortally enlivening impulses of bliss the subtle wonder-working forces of the cosmic life-breath of bliss lead man to higher wisdom.

“This second, great main sacrifice of human almighty creative power is under the sign of the sun - like the first great main sacrifice of human almighty creative power was under the sign of the moon, and took place in the outer ring of cognition in the light of the moon, the transcendence, which we walked through earlier.

“Whereas the great moon-sacrifice leads the free will of the performer systematically into the silvery-white, perfect, infinite world of pure consciousness, this highest sun-sacrifice which takes place here - in the inner ring of cognition in the light of the sun - leads the performer of the sacrifice over the ways of self-awareness into the immortal golden world of his pure conscience.

“Whereas the supreme festive winter-sacrifice in the transcendence in its core consists of unrestrictedly giving up any mental limitation on the level of reason and thus serves the freedom of will through the attainment of pure unlimited consciousness, this highest festive summer-sacrifice taking place here aims at the free formation of conscience through the attainment of pure blissful self-awareness; and it safely leads over the deepest depth of the world-ocean to the ocean of being in which the gods have there domain and from where they govern the world so almightily.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Inner Ring of Cognition in the
Light of the Sun

The Inner Ring of Cognition in the
Light of the Sun
The Great Sun-Sacrifice
The Singing Star-Streams of Wisdom
The Star-Palace of Omnipotence
The Seven Rainbow-Castles of Knowledge