The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Island of Happiness
The Circle of the
Power Over the Earth

Eventually they reached, still low on the mountain, a ring of cognitive fires, piled up with great skill. Around each of the smokeless fires sat six radiant boys and girls, clad in splendid clothes, and sang towards the world ocean.
“These singers on the first ring of sacrificial deeds enliven the powers of free conscience and will in the element of earth. With their round of songs they call waves of frost and glowing heat from all parts of the world to the waters of the world-ocean flowing around the island.

“Remember the cold, that we travelled through first. Here, the frost of the spaces of understanding, that are separate from the heart, is invited by the warming forces of feeling to enlivening purification.
Like in the mind of the world, cold and heat meet between the ice-rocks and the boiling sea; in the dance of time the singers create a swirling maelstrom of stormy free powers of conscience and will, which meet, joyfully playing, and marry.

“Do you smell the magnificent fragrances coming from the sea? These are the harbingers of the powers of free will, which melt at the warming glow of pure conscience; as a grateful salute of liberation they stream from the world consciousness to the singers and blend with the fragrances of the Island of Happiness.
In that manner, in the earthly fields, the inner world links with the outer world of the creatures, and man gains the natural domain over the earth.”

“I hear these marvellous songs in many voices,” said Mani to her brother, ”as if the individual singers went their very own ways with their tunes, and yet all the sound of the choirs is in perfect harmony.”

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Island of Happiness
The Threshold of the Forces of Fate
The Circles of the
World Rule
The Circle of the Power Over the Earth
The Manifold Order of the Rings of the World Rule
The Twelve-Fold Diversity of the Powers of Free Conscience and Will
The Ninefold Order of the Choirs of the Worlds
The Ring of Power
Over the Waters
The Ring of Power
Over the Fires
The Ring of Power
Over the Winds
The Ring of Power
Over the Spaces