The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Island of Happiness
The Ring of Power
Over the Waters

Meanwhile Mani and Sol had reached another ring of cognitive fires, which were piled up even finer. Here again, twelve boys and girls in magnificent dresses were sitting around each of the smokeless fires and sang, like the others before, towards the world-ocean. Their songs, however, were less rhythmically stressed and more flowing than the songs of the previous group.

Mani watched the inspired singers sing their enlivening and refreshing tunes over and beyond the songs of the deeper ring, and as she looked towards the sea, she felt as if the culinary arts of all the world were assembling on her tongue, so abundantly was she permeated by the most beautiful experiences of taste.

This second ring is formed by those pupils who practise the art of collectively mastering the waters,” the brother explained.
With their songs they direct the untamed warmth of life of man towards the cooling waters, so that the heat of the world does not hit upon the ice-masses directly and burst them.

If the singers would not prevent the uncontrolled heat of emotions from bursting the mental rigidity of the people of the world, scorching fanatism and a rage of destruction would seize all beings, and their interrelation would break, like ice bursts from direct heat.

The effect would be a rampant growth of limitations of all kinds in the family of man. Uncontrolled conflagration would cover the world, and the sun would dry up the earth.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Island of Happiness
The Twelve-Fold Diversity of the Powers of Free Conscience and Will
Odin-singer of the earth
Wili-singer of the earth
We-singer of the earth
Thor-singer of the earth
Tyr-singer of the earth
Freyr-singer of the earth
of the earth
Bragi-singer of the earth
Widar-singer of the earth
of the divine forces
of holiness
Baldur-singer of the earth
Hoedur-singer of the earth