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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

But this is also still half the truth and only an ap­pear­ance, which re­sults from its re­stricted set-up for ex­peri­ments.
The truth is that the mind is also ruled from inside through our in­ner cos­mic or­gans of knowl­edge and crea­tion – and then only through this, like through a com­plex buffer, neuro-physi­ol­ogy and/or the body. In time, the per­son who has broken through the absolute sound barrier of the civilised world in form of deep sleep, has these facts quite openly in front of his eyes of his inner knowledge.
He will be able to clear all that has been said in time from his very own experience.

In so far, Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® sup­plies in­di­rectly to the medi­cine of the fu­ture very sound knowl­edge about the re­al­ity of health as well as dis­ease in all ar­eas of life: physio­logi­cal, psy­cho­logi­cal, so­cio­logi­cal – men­tal as well as emo­tional.

But in­de­pend­ent of these de­vel­op­ments, the phy­si­cians should es­pe­cially be clear about these facts: the soul is the only really uni­ver­sal ele­ment in us: if this soul de­cides that the physi­ol­ogy should de­stroy it­self – be it with drugs, war or dis­ease – then we should be wide awake to know whether we ac­cept this de­ci­sion or not.
For the soul is a uni­ver­sal ele­ment of life equip­ped with cos­mic power, and there­fore much stronger and more pow­er­ful than we imag­ine it to be in our men­tally nar­row mod­ern civi­lised ma­te­ri­alis­tic world.

If we do not go with the de­ci­sion of the soul: if we think with all these mod­ern medi­cal ma­chines and equip­ment, we are able to put up re­sis­tance against its ef­forts and oppose it, then it may be that – be­cause all souls form a unit in the cos­mic area and live to­gether like a very har­mo­ni­ous group – they then de­cide to­gether to de­stroy a whole area or an en­tire so­ci­ety and/or send them to a proc­ess of self-de­struc­tion.
For us in the ma­te­rial world, this is then ex­pres­sed as war. In this case, the soul op­er­ates mainly through con­scious­ness.

Na­ture is de­signed in such a way that it does what the soul wants. It is a natu­ral cen­tral or­gan of the soul, and we should also ob­serve and con­sider this in medi­cine

We and es­pe­cially the doc­tors among us should be ab­so­lutely clear about this, and think about whether we want to act against the soul. I be­lieve, we should not do that.
And as long as we do not sup­port the soul, it does not seem good to me, to keep peo­ple “alive” from the out­side with ar­ti­fi­cial ma­chin­ery.

In my opin­ion, such ex­ter­nal ma­nipu­la­tions only make tem­po­rary sense if at the same time or pos­si­bly even be­fore­hand, we bring about a situa­tion, where the soul it­self is sup­ported in its ef­forts – which natu­rally al­ways aim to­wards sur­vival any­way, but to­wards a life of natu­ral dig­nity: to­wards a life, in which our in­ner ruling con­di­tions are struc­tured in a natu­ral way – from inside to the outside: from our soul through our self and through our in­ner or­gans of knowl­edge and crea­tion, as well as through our mind into the area of our neuro-physi­ol­ogy and/or our body.

Methamorphoses No. 5