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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

In some cul­tures there was the fol­low­ing in­ter­est­ing law: when a doc­tor helped a per­son, then, as long as he lived, he had to look af­ter this per­son – be­cause with this he had of­fi­cially de­clared his will­ing­ness to take over re­spon­si­bil­ity for his health.
This rule also then ap­plied to com­pletely dif­fer­ent cases: if some­body helped some­body else in a bad situa­tion, if for in­stance he saved his life, he was obliged at the same time to look af­ter this per­son for the rest of his life. We are in the same situa­tion when we help a per­son whose soul has al­ready de­cided that his or­gan­ism is to be de­stroyed.
And if we then keep this or­gan­ism alive against the souḻs will, the soul can­not exit this per­son – can­not be free, and feels caught in prison.

We are there­fore sup­port­ing the souḻs im­pris­on­ment con­trary to its own will – which ex­pres­ses it­self in the se­vere ill­ness.
But we must con­sider that in the end the soul is stronger and more pow­er­ful than all these so-called help­ers – which are try­ing to pro­long life ar­ti­fi­cially – with their lim­ited con­scious­ness.

And not least: no­body dies – from the point of view of the soul this is merely an il­lu­sion, and: if we wish to help a per­son, then, to be con­sis­tent, we should also help this per­soṉs soul; we should strengthen it and sup­port it in that natu­ral role, it has natu­rally: in its royal rule.

This means: at this con­fer­ence we have heard a num­ber of things about the strug­gle against stress and about the ho­lis­tic sup­port of health – some talked about medi­ta­tion, I talked about Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic®, oth­ers talked about fur­ther tech­nolo­gies of the mind, and above all sci­en­tific medi­cine – we should all con­cen­trate on sup­port­ing the soul or the self in their natu­ral ef­forts to keep us healthy – and so: help.

I there­fore think: not only Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® , but any tech­nol­ogy which strength­ens the soul, should make its en­trance in the field of medi­cine and be in­te­grated here by sci­en­tific means.
And I think this con­fer­ence could be a great chance for the field of medi­cine, to cre­ate a change in this di­rec­tion.

And I know through this meet­ing here – es­pe­cially through the talks with the par­tici­pants I met in­di­vidu­ally – that I am not talk­ing into thin air, and that I can afford to say this here: I share these thoughts with many par­tici­pants here.

When we learn to pene­trate into that cos­mic area, where the soul lives, then we will get to know the soul. On our way there, the original meaning of words becomes clear to us. Step by step we no­tice that eve­ry sound struc­ture has its natu­ral mean­ing.
And just as it has a mean­ing, it also has a shape we can see, we can hear, smell, taste and touch – it de­pends en­tirely on the sense we are us­ing.

And in time, this be­comes es­pe­cially clear with the help of our dream: be­cause the dream re­sults from our think­ing proc­ess, which we de­sign talk­ing with our in­ner or­gan of speech.
Thus, we gradu­ally re­al­ise that our in­ner or­gan of speech is the crea­tor of our dream – of our en­tire think­ing.

So our in­ner or­gan of speech is the crea­tor of the pic­tures of my mind and eve­ry­thing I per­ceive in my dream with my vari­ous senses – all this is only the ex­pres­sion of my in­ner speech.

Violin Concert No. 3