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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

So, if I strengthen my soul – if I sup­port it –, then I sup­port and strengthen my whole di­verse and multi-lay­ered per­son­al­ity and/or per­son in a natu­ral way.
And what should be the ob­jec­tion to sup­port­ing that king, na­ture has ap­pointed as such in our liv­ing sys­tem, in his high po­si­tion as the ruler of our life? I do not need the kings of ad­ver­tis­ing from com­pa­nies, who sell this or that to me or all kinds of stress – where my life is con­cerned!
It should be suf­fi­cient if I only sup­port my natu­ral king – that au­thor­ity which natu­rally takes the high­est po­si­tion in my over­all per­son­al­ity – in or­der to have no prob­lems with my health – that is what I think, any­way.

Dur­ing this con­fer­ence I have heard speak­ers talk­ing about the “ele­ments” on many oc­ca­sions – but we should not think that they are talk­ing about ex­ter­nal ma­te­rial ele­ments such as wa­ter, fire, air and earth, which the great think­ers of man­kind meant with the “ele­ments” in the past.
These have as lit­tle to do with the “ele­ments”, as the actors in a pro­jected film are real peo­ple – no, here we are also only talk­ing about pro­jec­tions of the “ele­ments”.

I can ex­peri­ence the “ele­ments” with which the great think­ers of man­kind were con­cerned in my think­ing, e.g. when I dream.
Then I come in con­tact with the ele­ments.
These “ele­ments” are origi­nally only crea­tion lev­els within one̱s think­ing – and eve­ry­thing out­side this think­ing is a re­flec­tion of this at the most, and not at all re­al­ity.

My think­ing is there­fore more re­al­ity than the outer ma­te­rial world. It is not “the re­al­ity”, but it is more re­al­ity. Think­ing and the outer re­al­ity are about dif­fer­ent states of the same thing.

Thus, when I dream, I ex­peri­ence dif­fer­ent states of my mind as “the vari­ous ele­ments” – just as we do in the outer ma­te­rial world.
I may per­ceive some­thing fluid – I there­fore infer it to be the wa­ter ele­ment, and if it is very warm and glows, then I infer it to be the fire ele­ment.

If I ex­peri­ence the light and airy in my dream, then I may con­clude it to be the ex­peri­ence of the air ele­ment.
And if I hear some­thing with my in­ner sense of hear­ing, I can con­clude it to be the space ele­ment – be­cause our in­ner hear­ing is con­nected to the space ele­ment, just as our sense of touch is e.g. con­nected to the air ele­ment.

My in­ner hear­ing, my in­ner ear, is the natu­ral ruler over the space ele­ment. It is like a “king” or “god” or “giant”, who can rule the space ele­ment and/or who has been cre­ated by na­ture to rule the space ele­ment.
My sense of touch has been cre­ated to rule the air ele­ment.
My vis­ual sense is in a natu­ral way the ruler of the fire ele­ment.
My sense of taste has the abil­ity to rule the wa­ter ele­ment, and my sense of smell is the ideal ruler of the earth ele­ment.

At the same time we must un­der­stand that as part of the natu­ral or­der our senses are the in­habi­tants of our mind, which live in our mind as in a world. And any of these in­habi­tants can con­trib­ute to giv­ing this world, i.e. our think­ing, the ideal many and di­verse struc­ture – each one in its own way.
These senses are guided and/or ruled through our feeling and feeling through our intellect.

Hymns of the Moon 1st Movement