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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

Our self towers above all this like a bright sun as the ruler, who co-or­di­nates with our con­scious­ness.
And our soul rules be­hind this multi-lay­ered in­ner world of life – that at least is the natu­ral sys­tem. If this natu­ral hi­er­ar­chi­cal or­der is dis­turbed or even de­stroyed, then our soul is no longer able to pass on its origi­nal quali­ties of vi­tal en­ergy, of in­tel­li­gence of life and har­mony of life to our body through all these or­gans of knowl­edge and crea­tion, and thus, we fall ill – as an ex­ter­nal ex­pres­sion: as a docu­ment: as proof of the de­struc­tion of our natu­ral in­ner or­der and/or of the dis­or­der or chaos in our own in­ner world.

I get to know this in true medi­ta­tion, but I can, of course, also ex­peri­ence this when I lis­ten to Medical Resonance Therapy Music®, which is structured according to the harmony laws of nature.
And, of course, anybody can fundamentally experience this, when he has overcome the absolute sound barrier of deep sleep, which has become so normal nowadays: when he has learned to stay wide awake be­yond think­ing – i.e. if he does not fall into the pre­sent obliga­tory deep sleep when his think­ing proc­ess stops.

For such an ex­peri­ence you must not just go to bed ac­cord­ing to the motto: “Oh, hope­fully I will soon go to sleep!” No, it is very im­por­tant to ex­peri­ence the tran­si­tion from wake­ful con­scious­ness to sleep really wide awake – this is a very im­por­tant point.
If this ex­peri­ence of com­plete in­ner alert­ness dur­ing deep sleep is lost, then a hu­man be­ing – in my opin­ion – be­comes ill, be­cause with the non-ex­is­tence of ex­peri­ence – in­ner un­con­sci­ous­ness – he has lost the natu­ral, vi­tal con­tact to him­self.

When I go to sleep, fi­nally sleep­ing deeply and then be­gin to dream, the whole mas­ter key of health is con­cealed in this small area be­tween be­ing awake, sleeping and dreaming, the mas­ter key of my en­tire well-be­ing – which at the same time is also the mas­ter key of medi­ta­tion, and also the mas­ter key of all spiri­tu­al­ity and/or of “cure of souls” in the true sense of the word.
All I need is that I learn in this moment – when I fall asleep and then be­gin to dream, or where I go back to sleep from dream­ing and fi­nally wake up again –, to stay awake.
That is all I need to strengthen my natu­ral health.

But if I do not reach this state of abil­ity of knowl­edge and/or con­scious­ness be­yond think­ing, then I do not even know what “life” is – the great wise men even say that in that case I do not even “live”.
For life is only es­tab­lished where I am wide awake be­yond think­ing – life is defi­nitely not es­tab­lished in the cin­ema.

When I see, how many peo­ple or sci­en­tists take all their ac­tivi­ties and pro­fes­sions so deadly se­ri­ous, then it seems to me as if I were sit­ting with them in the cin­ema: the man on the screen says some­thing to his wife, and sud­denly the cin­ema-goer next to me takes a gun and shoots the actor on the screen.
Nor­mally, eve­ry­body would say to him: “That is ri­dicu­lous – that is only a film!”

But that looks to me like the be­hav­iour of all those peo­ple, who seek their sal­va­tion and health so ex­clu­sively ex­ter­nally – it seems to me like in a film: not real.

Many think, what they are do­ing is very im­por­tant; but time shows: they are quickly for­got­ten. Two years af­ter their death, no­body knows them any longer.

It is as if they had never been alive – and per­haps they have not really lived, be­cause they have never ex­peri­enced, what “life” is.
They have never got to know life as such, and so they have not ex­pres­sed it. Noth­ing they do or have done, li­ves on – noth­ing of it has a con­tin­ued ex­is­tence.

The Art of the Feminine No. 2