The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Marvellous Tale of the Flying Ship

Here, in the rings of cognition, he is the master of building and operating the sun-moon-mill, that wonder-working mill of fortune which can grind gold and silver.

“However, this wonder-mill draws, as it grinds, the powers of invincibility and immortality from the sun and moon simultaneously, and these divine qualities are required to prepare the inebriating potion of immortality.
We will meet this almighty magic potion more often on our way.
The czar had arranged all the details of the story with this mighty sun-alf, or the miller respectively.

“And Hans' success made the two elder brothers think; when they realized which forces were here at work so magically without them knowing it, they were very astonished.
Quickly they got used to the idea of taking the routine of their every day a little easier.
And gradually they began to be interested in those things that lie, working miracles, at the basis of all the worldis activity - including their own.
Thus the way to the Island of Happiness was not long for them because their brother was there already, and they asked him a lot of questions indeed.

“Henry and Charles too stood at the railing of the shining wonder-ship which their brother steered so magically, and now they take part in the education on the Island of Happiness. And of course they had realized now that their original attitude towards their work needed correction, and in that respect they had changed their opinion substantially.

“The material riches, after all, lose their significance at the blessing cognition of inner wealth.
Therefore they now work only so much as the mill needs to do its task; the rest of the time they spend here on the island with their fulfilling exercises of ”overcoming the impossibilitiesi - as they call it.

“And you may ask yourself,” Sol now turned to his sister, ”why the czar, or the sun-alf rather, has spent so much effort - just to find his successor.
Just as well he might have talked with the miller to his son.

“Truly, the wise act sometimes strangely when realizing their plans.
Although they permanently hold the reigns of fulfilment in their hands, they give everyone the possibility to act at his own free discretion; and in that manner they lead man - being bound to so many things - on safe paths and, with the growing feeling of earthly freedom, on the way of divine fulfilment up and towards true cosmic freedom.”

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Ring of the Outer Cognitive Exercises in the Light of the Moon
The Marvellous Tale
of the Flying Ship
The Flight
Through the Worlds
The All-Nourishing Wonder-Table