The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Ring of the Outer Cognitive Exercises in the Light of the Moon

Full of grace the radiant man looked from his shining elevated seat to the boys and girls, who sometimes urged the ship to greater hurry, then braked it again, sometimes turned it to the right or to the left, and sometimes even turned it around completely, as if they wanted to sail back to the moon.

“The man on the high seat is a mighty sage from the line of the moon-alfs,” Sol explained to his sister, ”he teaches the pilots the art of guiding this air-ship with the inner forces of the transcendence.

“You may have noticed that constantly, yet hardly perceptible it changes its form and size.
This is due to the fact that the pilot has to maintain the shape of the ship from within his own inner power potential by permanently blowing, as it were, into the ship, thus giving the hull and all parts their rigidity.

“If he stopped blowing, or interrupted it for only a moment, the ship would collapse immediately.
During the exercise the moon-alf, the wise teacher, naturally ensures that this does not happen, and as soon as the student who pilots the ship, falters and is out of breath, the teacher immediately takes over this task and thus protects the beautiful vessel from collapsing or from too great a change in shape.

“Also this master of the moon-alfs is the artful shipwright of this strong, yet delicately built air-ship.
Here on the moon-clearing of the outer ring of cognition, he instructs the students only in the proper handling of this wonder-craft.
The handicraft to build such a ship, however, he teaches on the next, the middle ring of cognition.

“Maybe you also have noticed that from the helmsman of the ship permanently small, very fine silver-bright arrows with golden veins fly like rays of light to the various parts of the ship, sometimes mostly to the hull or to the rudder, but also in larger numbers to the moonlit sails.”

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Ring of the Outer Cognitive Exercises in the Light of the Moon
The Marvellous Tale
of the Flying Ship
The Flight
Through the Worlds
The All-Nourishing Wonder-Table