The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Ring of the Outer Cognitive Exercises in the Light of the Moon

Now Mani and Sol entered a new clearing. Mani saw a great ship flying near from above. Floating as it were on the beams of
the moon like on a great wide stream of light, it appeared to come flying from the moon.

From the large, silvery, bulging sails she heard a quiet hum, which blended sonorously with the fine sounding breezes which permanently streamed forth from the trees, bushes and the grass around her.
When Mani listened closer, she suddenly heard through the broad, fog-like curtain of the milky-white rustle a very subtle, lovely, celestial music full of delicate, yet powerful tones which united in the space of the sky above the clearing and seemed to offer the ship a song of welcome as it glided down.

Mani saw that the fine streams of sounds unfolded in the plants like waving, burgeoning flowers which eventually frothed forth; these tones permeated the veins of the grass and trees like flowing, many-coloured, rainbow-like streams of light.

Then the fine, sounding streams of air, which sparkled forth from the surface of the plants like the ever fresh surf of the sea, threw themselves at the mild yet motionless rocklike air which surrounded them, and finally merged with the sounds that sank down from the twinkling air-ship.

In the richly decorated, slim, yet bulky silvery ship Mani now recognized quite a number of stately clothed boys and girls.
They stood at the railing like on a crystal balcony, festively decorated with flowers, and waved at the moon.

On a raised throne there sat a man with silvery-white long curling hair and a silvery-grey beard.
His snow-white clothes were wrought with splendid patterns of gold and silver veins.

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Ring of the Outer Cognitive Exercises in the Light of the Moon
The Marvellous Tale
of the Flying Ship
The Flight
Through the Worlds
The All-Nourishing Wonder-Table