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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – Nature’s Laws of Harmony in the Microcosm of Music

At that time, this prac­ti­cal task of mu­sic was si­mul­ta­ne­ously a reli­gious, ideo­logi­cal, ethi­cal and purely ar­tis­tic one.

Pythagoras now aroused in this ethi­cally shaped mu­si­cal work the idea of mod­ern sci­en­tific think­ing by start­ing to ob­jec­tiv­ise the mu­si­cal pa­rame­ters which had so far only been de­fined re­lig­iously, phi­loso­phi­cally or ar­tis­ti­cally – with meas­ure­ments and num­bers. He be­gan to meas­ure mu­sic and/or ele­ments of mu­sic in terms of mathe­mat­ics and phys­ics.

For the reli­gious, phi­loso­phi­cal, ethi­cal and ar­tis­tic lead­ers of that time, this was an enor­mously revo­lu­tion­ary act which threat­ened to turn their pre­vious con­cep­tion of the world upside down – and so it was not a co­in­ci­dence that Pythagoras got caught in an in­creas­ing whirl­pool of reli­gious, po­liti­cal, phi­loso­phi­cal and ar­tis­tic dis­pute and fi­nally even in ideo­logi­cal per­se­cu­tion – for which, with the help of musi­co­logi­cal re­search and the help of phys­ics and mathe­mat­ics, he pre­pared to cap­ture the men­tioned ar­eas of life: re­lig­ion, ethics, phi­loso­phy and art in an exact knowl­edge of sci­en­tific char­ac­ter, and to thereby demys­tify them – which, of course, was also linked to a loss of the pre­vious power that the con­tem­po­rary lead­ers of so­cial life had.

Pythagoras had veri­fied the natu­ral point of con­tact of crea­tion be­tween the sub­jec­tive and ob­jec­tive world in the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic: be­tween our in­ner world with our reli­gious, ethi­cal, moral, phi­loso­phi­cal and ideo­logi­cal ideas, but also with our talent, with our innate in­ner traits and abili­ties on one hand – and the ra­tional world of mathe­mat­ics, phys­ics, chem­is­try and bi­ol­ogy as well as as­tron­omy on the other hand.

And he wanted to use this mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic to firmly weld to­gether the outer and in­ner world of man as well as the sci­ences natu­rally re­sult­ing from this.

And in his fa­mous school for the train­ing of young phy­si­cians, sci­en­tists and art­ists he there­fore logi­cally taught on one hand:

  1. the in­tui­tive spon­ta­ne­ous in­ner re­ali­sa­tion of the natu­ral laws of har­mony of the crea­tor in the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic of the in­ner men­tal imagi­na­tive space, mean­ing in the area of mu­si­cal in­tui­tion or mu­si­cal crea­tive think­ing and feel­ing, as well as on the other hand:

  2. the outer em­piri­cal: the sci­en­tific re­ali­sa­tion of the natu­ral laws of har­mony of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic with the help of his fa­mous “Mono­chord”, the mathe­mati­cal and physi­cal in­ves­ti­ga­tion of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic and its har­moni­cal con­nec­tion to other sci­en­tific fields of knowl­edge such as medi­cine, bi­ol­ogy, phys­ics and as­tron­omy.

This com­plex re­search and teach­ing work of Pythagoras was di­rected be­yond the as­pect of health at the re­ali­sa­tion of a stan­dard­ised field of life and crea­tion, and there­fore at the de­vel­op­ment of a uni­fied field the­ory, some­thing our mod­ern sci­ence also strives for – but con­trary to this, Pythagoras, at the same time, in­cluded the great ar­eas of re­lig­ion, ethics, psy­chol­ogy, so­ci­ol­ogy and art, as well as medi­cine in this whole proc­ess of in­te­grated, sub­jec­tive and ob­jec­tive achieve­ment of knowl­edge:

so he com­bined the arts in­tui­tive and the sci­en­tific ob­jec­tive veri­fy­ing achieve­ment of re­ali­sa­tion with each other, in or­der to ad­vance to a ho­lis­tic, stan­dard­ised view of the in­ner and outer world, shaped by natu­ral har­mony.

On this in­te­grated basis, he wanted to ensure the ho­lis­tic sys­tem­ati­cal de­vel­op­ment of natu­ral hu­man dig­nity and the pro­tec­tion of life as well as the ecol­ogy.

How­ever, be­fore Pythagoras was able to work out such a natu­ral sys­tem of ho­lis­tic health main­te­nance, which was sup­posed to find equal ap­pli­ca­tion for all hu­man be­ings – as we, for in­stance, try to do with tab­lets nowa­days –, his place of train­ing was de­stroyed, for as a for­ward-look­ing phi­loso­pher with a strong per­sonal cha­risma, he was too dan­ger­ous in the eyes of the ruling dic­ta­tors.

Performance Control Level 3 Overwave Structure


Some re­port that Pythagoras, af­ter sev­eral at­tempts on his life and work, fi­nally died in the course of an arson at­tack some­where in Italy – oth­ers re­port that he also sur­vived this at­tack and was able to escape.

How­ever it may be, there re­mains the fa­mous monu­ment of a man who was about to dis­cover and ob­jec­tiv­ise the natu­ral laws of har­mony of life with the help of in­tui­tion and sci­en­tific re­search, and to turn them to use in all ar­eas of prac­ti­cal life – and es­pe­cially in the area of the in­di­vid­ual’s health. 

So, as a com­poser, I to­day fall back on the think­ing and the work of this great scholar of our an­cient his­tory.

In my musi­co­logi­cal stud­ies of an in­tui­tive and sci­en­tific kind, as a sound crea­tor I solely start from the as­sump­tion of that sim­ple thesis of this uni­ver­sal scholar in which he pos­tu­lated that the natu­ral laws of har­mony of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic, of the hu­man soul, bio­logi­cal life and of the cos­mos were iden­ti­cal.

If this state­ment of Pythagoras is right – it was later en­dorsed by quite a num­ber of fa­mous schol­ars –, then it seems to me, above all, im­por­tant to­day to make ac­ces­si­ble to the in­di­vid­ual lis­tener, with the help of mu­sic, these natu­ral laws of har­mony of his life and crea­tion as we find them in­tui­tively and with the help of outer stud­ies in the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic, by struc­tur­ing my mu­si­cal work ac­cord­ing to the natu­ral laws of har­mony of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic – which by no means in­hib­its me in my ar­tis­tic free­dom, but rather has an in­spir­ing in­flu­ence.

And the stud­ies and clini­cal ob­ser­va­tions with the Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® car­ried out by Pro­fes­sor Reznikov and his re­search team clearly show – that is my opin­ion – that a joint pur­suit on the path of the re­search and de­vel­op­ment of the natu­ral laws of har­mony of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic pre­sents an im­por­tant con­tri­bu­tion to the de­vel­op­ment of ho­lis­tic medi­cine. I would like to invite you all to col­labo­rate.

The Microcosm of Music – CD  Baritone Solo, Bass Solo, Men’s Choir  Nr. 1