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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – Nature’s Laws of Harmony in the Microcosm of Music

The Epistemological Principles of
Medical Resonance Therapy Music®

With Medical Resonance Therapy Music®, the approach to the activation and strength­en­ing of the natural healing processes is based on the age-old recognition that the natural laws of harmony of the microcosm of music and biological evolution are identical.
What is interesting about this method is that it does not require any knowledge about biological naturopathy, but needs only knowledge of the natural musical regeneration processes within the microcosm of music.

Medical Resonance Therapy Music® is not music in the general sense of the word and, as such, serves not to entertain but to be used purely for medical purposes.

The beauty of the har­monic mu­si­cal prepa­ra­tions is di­rected at in­di­vid­ual ac­cep­tance – but be­yond the pleas­ant mu­si­cal en­joy­ment, na­ture’s laws of har­mony con­tained in the fine struc­tures of the mi­cro­cosm of the mu­sic are of cen­tral medi­cal sig­nifi­cance, as they alone pro­duce the posi­tive health-pro­mot­ing ef­fects.

Recently, leading medical practitioners have been able to show that the human or­gan­ism’s different biological rhythms obey the laws of musical harmony.
Prof. Dr. med. G. Hildebrandt, one of the foun­ders of, and a lead­ing ex­pert in chro­no­medi­cine, talks of this, in terms of hu­man physi­ol­ogy, di­rectly as ‘mu­sic physi­ol­ogy’.

To­day it is clearly far more eas­ily pos­si­ble to gain spe­cial­ist in­sight into the natu­ral mu­si­cal re­gen­era­tion proc­esses of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic, than into the struc­tur­ally cor­re­spond­ing natu­ral heal­ing proc­esses in liv­ing bio­logi­cal or­gan­isms.

And if it is now true – what all great think­ers amongst man­kind have claimed and what more re­cent stud­ies have in­di­cated – that the natu­ral laws of har­mony of the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic are iden­ti­cal to those of bio­logi­cal life, then our sci­en­tific mu­si­cal knowl­edge about the natu­ral re­gen­era­tion proc­esses in the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic could open up the pos­si­bil­ity for us to ac­ti­vate and strengthen the natu­ral heal­ing pow­ers in­her­ent in liv­ing or­gan­isms – and those in­ves­ti­ga­tions, about which Professor Reznikov will be re­port­ing, lend weight to this assumption.

Micro Music Laboratories®
Investigations into natural regeneration processes
in the microcosm of music

“In one single sound alone – singled out
from the twittering of birds – it is possible
to discover a gigantic concert of birds, and in a single sound from the human voice one can hear – if one listens carefully – massive choirs, full of sounds and individual songs.”
Peter Hübner

The Microcosm of Music – CD Soprano Solo, Alto Solo, Women’s Choir  Nr. 4