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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

That is how the phe­nome­non of dis­ease de­vel­ops – this is the ori­gin of dis­ease. The soul and in­ner hu­man pow­ers do not want this bad house any­more.
But for the re­lease from this prison, they must de­stroy the prison – at least this ap­plies to the civi­lised world, which knows only the first three main states of consciousness – the relative wakeful consciousness, dream consciousness and deep sleep – and which has not over­come the ab­so­lu­te sound bar­rier of deep sleep, un­con­sci­ous­ness and the loss of its own con­scious­ness of life. If we live in a very di­lapi­dated house, and can­not move out, but must live on in this house, which con­tin­ues to fall into dis­re­pair, un­til we fi­nally find it un­bear­able there – but even so we want to get rid of it, then we will say: de­stroy and smash this house up, so that we can get out of it and be free.

The same ap­plies to the soul in the con­text of the first three main states of con­scious­ness in our so-called civi­lised world: it wants to get out of this body, out of this house full of stress, wants to be free.
And we should think about this es­pe­cially in the field of medi­cine, where many peo­ple say: “Help this and that per­son!”

And fol­low­ing this blind logic, many peo­ple are then ly­ing in hos­pi­tals, are kept “alive” with ar­ti­fi­cial ma­chines, and the soul, as well as the other in­ner hu­man pow­ers con­nected with it, can­not move out and be free.
Al­though the soul has clearly de­cided that it wants to move out – and the se­vere dis­ease is the un­mis­tak­able proof of this –, ig­no­rant ex­perts know noth­ing of this, and in their own nar­row lim­ited civi­lised world of the first three main states of con­scious­ness can­not imag­ine what it means to the uni­ver­sal soul to be cos­mi­cally free.

Many peo­ple in our so-called civi­lised world are afraid, be­cause they imag­ine death to be some­thing ter­ri­ble. In the nar­row limits of their first three main states of con­scious­ness – and the rather lim­ited and nar­row men­tal-emo­tional ex­peri­ence con­nected with this – they can­not imag­ine that this death might be our great­est friend, and that there is ba­si­cally noth­ing more beau­ti­ful than to remove our­selves as cos­mic crea­tures from this earthly prison of our body.
It is pos­si­ble to ex­peri­ence this dur­ing our life­time – to find out from our very own per­sonal ex­peri­ence that there is noth­ing bet­ter in the nar­row world of those first three main states of con­scious­ness than to die.

Even peo­ple, who by birth have al­ways only known the first three main states of con­scious­ness, and who then – due to what­ever cir­cum­stances – once came close to death, and had a so-called ex­peri­ence of death, re­port that there is noth­ing more beau­ti­ful than to die and to leave the prison of our lim­ited earthly body, which, due to the re­stricted de­vel­op­ment of con­scious­ness had been de­prived of a num­ber of func­tional im­prove­ments, and to be free.

If I “help” a per­son, if I keep his or her body alive, then at least I should take care of this per­soṉs soul at the same time – make sure that it is har­mo­nised and strength­ened: that it can and wants to lead its natu­ral rule in this body, and that it can keep him healthy.
I think that this point of view of con­tem­pla­tion is im­por­tant for eve­ry kind of medi­cal help. I think that all those de­ci­sions – whether peo­ple be­gin a war, whether they be­come crimi­nals, whether they take drugs, whether they kill them­selves or oth­ers – are only de­ci­sions of the soul. The soul re­bels and de­cides: “I no longer want to live un­der these ter­ri­ble, un­dig­ni­fied con­di­tions.”

Hymns of the Great Stream No. 5