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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

Never lose your con­scious­ness of ex­is­tence and learn through this ex­peri­ence to allow im­mor­tal­ity – be­cause mor­tal­ity or the ex­peri­ence of mor­tal­ity: deep sleep: the loss of your own con­scious­ness of ex­is­tence is the foun­da­tion of all kinds of fear.
It is not the lion or the tiger or any such thing that we are afraid of – no, the foun­da­tion of fear is the loss of knowl­edge of our own ex­is­tence, the loss of our own con­scious­ness of ex­is­tence: here lies the foun­da­tion of all fear. If I can there­fore remove deep sleep, and then be awake all the time, if I never lose my con­scious­ness, then all fear will dis­ap­pear in a natu­ral way; be­cause then deep in my inside, I will never again be sit­ting as if in a com­pletely dark room.
If, e.g. I never go into a dark room at all, then I do not have a rea­son to be afraid.

When peo­ple enter the dark, they start feel­ing afraid. Deep sleep is pure dark­ness, like a com­pletely dark room, no light, noth­ing – for this rea­son this natu­rally makes us afraid.

But when this dark room is brightly lit, then there is no more rea­son to be afraid – and the fear dis­ap­pears. That is why so many peo­ple say: “Oh, I am so often afraid!” and ob­tain Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic. And then they come and say: “I regu­larly lis­ten to this mu­sic, my fear has dis­ap­peared!”

That is un­der­stand­able and I know that this does not happen through my mu­sic that sud­denly they have lost their fear, but that they have only switched on their inner light with the help of the har­mony laws of na­ture, which conveys this mu­sic – that is all: they only light their flame of life, and all fear has gone.
This is noth­ing spe­cial, we are deal­ing here with a very natu­ral phe­nome­non.

There­fore Pythagoras says to the phi­loso­phers, sci­en­tists, think­ers and proph­ets:

“Do not speak with­out light!”

And this should be quite natu­ral for eve­ry­one – even with­out mu­sic. But unfor­tu­nately, we live in times, where this is not the case.

In Ger­many we talk about “Gesundheit” (health). “Gesundheit” origi­nally means “Gesonntheit”: to have been ex­posed to the sun, to have had the ra­dia­tion of the sun – “Gesundheit” there­fore means: to have re­ceived the ra­dia­tion of the sun.

Which sun are we talk­ing about?

Well, when I dream, I see the pic­tures of my dream – my mind work­ing like a screen. I see the pic­tures, I ex­peri­ence, and there is, of course, that light, which sup­plies the pic­tures of my dream ex­peri­ence. How­ever, as I am ly­ing in my bed in a dark room dur­ing the night, it is clear to me that this light is not com­ing from out­side – it must come from inside.

And if I ex­am­ine my in­ner light con­di­tions a bit more closely – some­thing that is also called the proc­ess of con­scious­ness de­vel­op­ment –, I no­tice that this light comes from within my self.
Like a sun, my inner self supplies the light for my entire thinking process, and therefore also for my dream ex­peri­ences.

And if I look at this from my very own view, I un­der­stand, what the word “Gesundheit”, means, at least in the Ger­man lan­guage – it means: the ef­fect of my in­ner sun­shine, the light of my inner sun of life.

The Art of the Feminine