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Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
Peter Hübner – The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

But origi­nally, na­ture cre­ated us in such a way that these aux­il­iary tools are not nec­es­sary.
It is only be­cause of the bad state we find our­selves in nowa­days in our so-called civi­lised world, that moth­ers know noth­ing from within them­selves of this in­ner state of con­scious­ness of pure alert­ness be­yond think­ing – that they there­fore no longer have a pre­mo­ni­tion of that and how it is natu­rally achiev­able or able to be ex­peri­enced, and that they there­fore are no longer ca­pa­ble of ac­com­pa­ny­ing their chil­dren into this in­ner world of the souḻs natu­ral har­mony with their own pow­ers – be­cause they them­selves had no longer learned it from their moth­ers. There may be many rea­sons why this has come so far that the area of the soul has be­come so in­ac­ces­si­ble to man­kind. Great wise men blame this on the course of time, and hold it re­spon­si­ble for this. Oth­ers at­trib­ute it to the stars, and all sorts of things.
But it is as it is, and we have to learn to live and deal with it: we must pur­pose­fully and sys­tem­ati­cally set about break­ing through the third main state of con­scious­ness: the deep sleep again, and ad­vance be­yond think­ing into the cos­mic climes of our soul, in or­der to there se­cure our natu­ral health au­then­ti­cally and: natu­rally.

A new phe­nome­non may also soon appear in medi­cine: the soul.
In the form of light im­pulses, it con­stantly emits in­for­ma­tion through the self like through a bright sun to our physi­ol­ogy, thereby con­stantly cor­rect­ing this physi­ol­ogy in its func­tions.
All neuro-physio­logi­cal proc­esses are so really con­trolled by our soul in this way – and so it also for in­stance trans­mits in­for­ma­tion to our heart. And if our self no longer ful­fils this im­pulse-set­ting func­tion – then those con­cerned get a car­diac pace-maker.

And if the soul de­cides it no longer wants this body, be­cause it gives the soul too lit­tle natu­ral free­dom of ac­tion as a re­sult of its harm­ful in­flu­ence on natu­ral think­ing, then the soul with­draws its in­ner light im­pulses from the body, and the self, to­gether with the other in­ner in­for­ma­tion car­ri­ers, con­nected to it, such as in­tel­lect, feel­ing, mind and senses with­draw from the in­ner men­tal ac­tion – and that, of course, has con­se­quences for our neuro-physi­ol­ogy.

If the main focus of this with­drawal is for in­stance in the heart, then as a re­sult we have first of all dis­tur­bances of the natu­ral heart rhythm, con­trolled through the self, and fi­nally a heart at­tack.

But the same ap­plies, of course, to all the other or­gans.
Soon we will get elec­tric pace-makers like the ar­ti­fi­cial car­diac pace-maker for more and more or­gans – be­cause all or­gans re­ceive rhyth­mic con­trol im­pulses through the self for proper func­tion­ing.
This whole com­plex en­ergy-im­pulse-sys­tem, which through our self and further through our various in­ner or­gans of knowl­edge and crea­tion, moni­tors the func­tions of all our body or­gans, is steered ho­lis­ti­cally by the soul.

Symphonies of the Great Stream No 2