After the nuclear accident of Chernobyl many children developed a blood pressure too high for their age norm. Having already observed a decrease in too high blood pressure in women during pregnancy we studied the effects of the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® (MRT-Music) on such children – with very positive results: the treatment with the music preparations demonstrated a clear sympatholythic effect and lead the disturbed hemodynamic state back to its healthy age norm.
Patients and methods
Under investigation were sixty children with different degrees of initial sympatheticotonia in the children's hospital No. 3 in Minsk.
Two groups were examined: one group of 32 children with an absolute sympatheticotonia, in which 75%-100% of the initial autonomic tonus were built by the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), and a second group of 28 children with a relative sympatheticotonia, in which 50%-75% of the initial autonomic tonus were build by the sympathetic part of the ANS. The initial tonus of the ANS was determined according to the index of Wein.
During the treatment the patients listened to music preparations of the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® with head- phones. The average time of a treatment was 20-30 minutes under conditions suited to a maximum of relaxation: a good light and noise isolation was guaranteed and the children listened to the MRT-Music® in a comfortable, half lying position.
Before and after the treatment the following basic hemodynamic parameters were measured:
- breath frequency (bf)
- heart frequency (hf)
- systolic pressure (sp)
- diastolic pressure (dp)
- mean arterial pressure (map)
- pulse pressure (pp)
Other parameters under consideration were the minute volume of blood circulation (mvbc), the index of vegetative equivalence according to Hildebrandt (ih) as well as the vegetative index according to Kerdo (kerdo).
The treatments were given according to the recommendations of Wein for the investigation of the autonomic nervous system.
The investigations showed the following differences in the initial state of the organisms of the children:

Analogue equivalences became even more clear by the analysis of the age norm which was calculated individually for each child.

- The treatments with the Medical Resonance Therapy Music® have a clear sympatholythic effect and lead the disturbed hemodynamic state of the child back to its healthy age norm.
- The greater effects of MRT-Music® treatments were seen in children with an initial absolute sympatheticotonia.
- The Medical Resonance Therapy Music® can be recommended as a complementary treatment to the traditional therapy for high blood pressure due to disturbances of the autonomic nervous system.
- While performing the study no harming side effects or strong indications against the MRT-Music® were registered.
Dr. med. J. J. Komlikow
Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko
Dr. med. N. G. Senowa
Dr. med. A. P. Lyschtschik