The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Rainbow-Castles of the Night

“However, as opposed to the deep and dark, dull rest of deep sleep, the infinite silence now is lit by the light of pure knowledge as if by moon-light; and these silvery-white beams of the radiance of consciousness enliven the unbounded silence.
Thus in the experiencer arises the feeling of his light-flooded bliss which refreshes him so infinitely.

In the state of pure consciousness too the physical functions are reduced; this is because the light-streams of pure cognition expand through the mind and the senses into the body and give the body too the experience of unlimited bliss.”

When she heard these words, Mani could remember the infinitely blessing feeling in her body which embraced her when the streams of light ran through her like radiant flows and seemed to lick her within her body as if with millions of sweet tongues - like a cow licking its calf.

“Once the human body makes the experience of absolute bliss,” her brother continued, ”it will irresistibly tend towards blest rest like the mind and the senses, and it will not be held up easily.

That is why man, when experiencing pure consciousness, sinks into a luminous wide-awake, infinitely recuperating and invigorating alert state of rest - gleaming and resplendent like a sparkling, twinkling snow-scape - and the millions of particles of his body, licked by the lightforces of pure knowledge as if by silvery-white cows, go to blissful rest too in rapturous delight.

“Thrilled by inner showers of joy here in transcendental consciousness, man never wants to leave these waves of his effervescent bliss.

Thus he loses the urge for further action and indeed for further progress, for he owns all bliss in abundance already. So he remains in the tower and cannot go on.

On the one hand he does not want to, and on the other hand his body, sleeping in delightful rest, refuses the service of outer movement - he strictly refuses all kind of outer activity, as is the infinitely relaxing nature of the fourth main state of consciousness.”

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          continued: The Rainbow-Castles of the Day
©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Rainbow-Castles
of the Night

The Rainbow-Castle
of the New Moon
The Rainbow-Castle
of the Rising Moon
The Rainbow-Castle
of the Waxing Moon
The Rainbow-Castle
of the Full Moon