The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Marvellous Tale of the Flying Ship

“And they flew and flew, and they saw an archer standing on the way, taking aim with his bow; but nowhere one could see an aim.
Hans called him, ”Good day, good man!” - ”Good day, my dear!” - ”What are you aiming at; there is no aim to see!”
“There is nothing? You cannot see it, but I see it well!” - ”Where do you see it then?” - ”There it is, hundred and eight miles from here on a strong pear-tree!” - ”Come with us!”
And he sat down with them and off they flew.

“They flew and flew until they saw a man on his way with a big bag of bread on his back. ”Good day, good man!” - ”Good day, my dear!” - ”Where are you going?” - ”I am going to get me some bread for lunch,” he answered.
“But you have a whole bag of bread already!” - ”What use is this little bit of bread! Itis not even enough for breakfast!” - ”Come sit with us!” - ”Fine.”
And this man too sat down with them, and they flew on.

“They flew and flew; but suddenly they saw a man going around and around a lake, and he seemed to be looking for something.
“Good day, good man!” - ”Good day, my dear!” - ”Why are you going around there?”
“I want to drink but I donit find any water.”
“But there is a whole lake in front of you, so why donit you drink?” - ”So little water canit help me! It is not enough for one draught!” - ”Come sit with us!” - ”Good.”

“They flew and flew until they saw a man carrying a truss of straw.
“Good day, good man!” - ”Good day, my dear!” - ”Where do you carry the straw?” - ”Into the village,” he answered.
“Isn't there enough straw in the village?” - ”But this is no ordinary straw!” - ”What kind of straw is it then?” - ”If you spread this straw you will have frost and snow, no matter how hot it is!” - ”Come sit with us!” - ”Good!” And he sat down and they flew on.

“And they flew and flew until they saw a man going into the forest with a faggot on his shoulder.
“Good day, good man!” - ”Good day, my dear!” - ”Where do you carry the brushwood?” - ”Into the wood.” - ”Isnit there any in the wood?” - ”Of course there is! But this is no ordinary brushwood.” - ”What is it then?”

“There is the ordinary wood,” he said, ”but if you throw this one about, an army will stand in front of you at once.” - ”Come sit with us!” - ”Good.”
And he sat down too, and they flew on.

“They flew and flew and finally reached the palace of the czar. In the middle of the court many tables were set up and laid, and barrels upon barrels of mead were rolled in: eat and drink to your hearts content! Half the realm had come together: old and young and men and women and poor and rich - like on an annual fair.
Hans came flying along with his companions in the ship and alighted in front of the czaris windows; they left the ship and went to the banquet.

“Through his window the czar saw that someone had arrived in a golden ship.
He ordered his ministers, ”Go and ask who has come in the golden ship.”

“The ministers went, had a look at the people, returned to the czar and reported, ”Just some ragamuffins!”

The czar did not believe it. ”How is it possible,” he said, ”that completely uneducated men come flying here on a ship? Probably you did not ask properly.”

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Ring of the Outer Cognitive Exercises in the Light of the Moon
The Marvellous Tale
of the Flying Ship
The Flight
Through the Worlds
The All-Nourishing Wonder-Table