The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Exercises of the Powers of the Giants
The Seeress of Freyr's Forces –
The Expert of Freedom-Creating Vital Energy

Opposite Wili's Seeress of forces, at the other side of the ring, you see another ambassador holding an antler of twelve points with the sign of the all-creative cosmic freedom towards the sky. She examines those that are practising for the free use of their powers of fantasy.
The freedom for this playful action arises from their individual power over the divine forces of fantasy, and it is the key to the playful mastery of the elements in general.

“Just as any free mastery over the forces of nature relies on the inner mastery of the field of fantasy, those practising rely in their free shaping of the elements on the powers of the god of the Wanes, Freyr.”

“Therefore this judge is called 'Seeress of Freyr's forces'; she pays attention to the most minute development of ideas which immediately affect the game.”

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Exercise of the Powers of the Giants
The Outer Ring of the Mind in the Light
of the Moon
The Tournament of the Wave-Driver and the
The Divine Order of the Judges of the Exercises
The Seer of Odin's Forces
The Seeress of
Wili's Forces
The Seer of We's Forces
The Threefold Unity of the Seers of Forces
The Seer of Thor's Forces
The Seeress of
Tyr's Forces
The Seeress of
Freyr's Forces
The Seeress of
Heimdall's Forces
The Seer of
Bragi's Forces
The Seer of
Widar's Forces
The Seer of
Baldur's Forces
The Seeress of
Hoedur's Forces
The Seeress of
Njoerd's Forces
The Contest of the
Rain-Worker and the
The Contest of the
Fire-Stormer and the
Ruler of Spaces