Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

Scientists of Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for
Self Awareness

The Future of Pharmaceutics

Peter Hübner



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories
 Prof. Dr. med. Rosch / Prof. Dr. med. Koeditz  •  Music & Brain – Medical Perspective
Mu­sic and Speech
But let us come back once again to the cog­ni­tive ar­eas of the brain, which are in­ti­mately con­nected with those of speech. How im­por­tant the stimu­la­tion of the cere­bral speech sys­tems through mu­sic could be­come for medi­cine, we may es­ti­mate from the fol­low­ing case which is de­scribed by an­other phar­ma­cist. She writes in her re­port:

Mr. S. had a stroke and fell into a coma. Af­ter re­gain­ing con­scious­ness his abil­ity to speak, his will and abil­ity to com­mu­ni­cate were at a very low level, and his mo­toric skills were strongly lim­ited. Sev­eral months of in­ten­sive speech and physi­cal ther­apy did not yield any mean­ing­ful re­sults. Upon leav­ing the hos­pi­tal af­ter 4 months, the prog­no­sis was bleak. For the rest of his life Mr S. would only be able to move by the help of his wheel chair, would proba­bly never again be able to speak in an un­der­stand­able man­ner, and would not be able to es­tab­lish much con­tact with his sur­round­ings.

His rela­tives were not will­ing to ac­cept this di­ag­no­sis so Mr. S. con­tin­ued in speech and physi­cal ther­apy af­ter he left the hos­pi­tal. Still this did not gen­er­ate much suc­cess worthy of men­tion­ing.

A turn came with a neu­rolo­gist’s ad­vise to add to the logopae­dic and physio­thera­peu­tic treat­ments the treat­ment with MRT-Mu­sic®. This brought suc­cess soon. Mr S. started to make quick pro­gress in his speech ex­er­cises and could speak al­most nor­mally again af­ter 2 months. Also his physi­cal ther­apy was re­warded with more suc­cess. Af­ter one year of MRT-Mu­sic® he could leave the wheel chair and walk alone with a walk­ing aid. A few months later he even learned to swim again. Af­ter two years he was able to again par­tici­pate in nor­mal con­ver­sa­tion.

To­day the rela­tives regret very much not hav­ing heard about MRT-Mu­sic® ear­lier and they ask the ques­tion: “What in the brain would be dif­fer­ent if Mr. S. would have been treated with MRT-Mu­sic® while in coma?”
What in these cases – which by the way are not sin­gu­lar – at first glance looks like a small wonder, is at least theo­reti­cally un­der­stand­able:

if through mu­sic of natu­ral har­monic or­der posi­tive quali­ties of our feel­ing are ad­dressed, joy of life and the will to live get strength­ened;

since the cog­ni­tive sys­tems and the sys­tems of speech in the brain are ac­ti­vated through com­plex mu­sic of natu­ral har­monic or­der, the pa­tient ex­er­cis­ing speak­ing re­ceives a great help in his ex­er­cises;

and since the ear also con­tains the cen­tre of the sys­tem of bal­ance, also the mus­cle sys­tem is stimu­lated to natu­ral ac­tiv­ity by lis­ten­ing to mu­sic of natu­ral har­monic or­der and the ex­er­cis­ing of eve­ry move­ment is suc­cess­fully sup­ported.

Medical Music Preparations on CD
RRR 101 Vital Energy
Vital Energy

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if you like to listen to the Medical Music Preparation or
if you want to download it,
please click on the CD-cover above.

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scientific research.

With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.