The American Institute
of Stress

World Health
Organization (WHO)

Republic of Belarus

Stress + Heart Disease

The Unborn Child

Special Care Baby Unit

Harmonic Therapy

The Benefits of
Harmonic Information

Social Medical Significance

Headaches & Migraine

Harmonic Information
as a Modern Medication

Intensive Care Unit

MRT Music / Function


Nuclear Accident



Peter Hübner - Micro Music Laboratories

Prof. Dr. med. Walentina Sidorenko

Digital Pharmaceutics – Harmonic Information:

Medication in the Intensive Care Unit

Report on the accident victim, Igor Soltschenko

Dear Mr. Tils,

As agreed on the tele­phone, we are send­ing you the re­port on 12-year-old Igor Soltschenko.

On 14th Octo­ber 1994 the boy was ad­mit­ted to the in­ten­sive care unit at the Chil­dren’s Sur­gi­cal Cen­ter in Minsk fol­low­ing a traf­fic ac­ci­dent. He had an open skull and brain trauma, a basal skull frac­ture, a frac­ture of the right fron­tal bone, a frac­ture of the sacral joint, a frac­tured pelvis, a com­pound frac­ture of the cen­tral third of the right hip bone with dis­place­ment of the bone frag­ments.

His con­di­tion was ex­cep­tion­ally poor. He was un­con­scious and bone mar­row fluid strea­med from the ears and nose (li­quaria). Un­con­sci­ous­ness lasted for 10 days fol­lowed by symp­toms of en­cepha­lo­pa­thy (in­ade­quate be­hav­ior, un­co­or­di­nated move­ments, hal­lu­ci­na­tions).

Ac­cord­ing to medi­cal prog­no­ses, chances of sur­vival were mini­mal. This was also con­firmed by the medi­cal ad­vi­sors. The prog­no­ses for the re­ten­tion of men­tal ca­pa­bili­ties were also un­fa­vor­able.
Along­side the tra­di­tional treat­ment (seda­tives, noot­ropil, B vita­mins), Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® was also used from the fourth day – approx. 4-5 hours dur­ing the day and night.
As the Senior Con­sult­ant on the in­ten­sive care sta­tion, Dr. med. Wladimir Wolkow, re­marked, the ap­pli­ca­tion of Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® sub­se­quent to the tra­di­tional meth­ods of treat­ment, played a de­ci­sive role in re­cov­ery: the Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® re­ini­ti­ated the vi­tal func­tions which, de­spite con­ven­tional treat­ment, had con­tin­ued to de­te­rio­rate.

On the 11th day the boy be­gan to react sat­is­fac­to­rily to some of the things said by the medi­cal per­son­nel.
Ade­quate speech was re­corded on the 14th day. Gradu­ally the symp­toms of en­cepha­lo­pa­thy de­clined. On 4th No­vem­ber Igor was op­er­ated upon (open os­teo­syn­the­sis of the right hip bone) and on 7th No­vem­ber he was trans­ferred to the trauma unit. At the end of De­cem­ber he left hos­pi­tal a healthy boy, and is now able to go to school again.

In an­swer to the ques­tion: ‘What con­trib­uted to your re­cov­ery?’, the boy re­plied: ‘Beau­ti­ful mu­sic and out­stand­ing doc­tors. I would like to hear this mu­sic eve­ry day.’

Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko (center)
and her colleagues talking to
German colleagues
at the Friedensburg Hospital

Medi­cal Reso­nance Ther­apy Mu­sic® is cur­rently used in the in­ten­sive sta­tion in the treat­ment of pa­tients who are un­con­scious, pa­tients in a nar­cotic slum­ber fol­low­ing sur­gery and chil­dren suf­fer­ing se­ri­ous skull-brain trau­mas.

In or­der to be able to extend the ap­pli­ca­tion of this method, the in­ten­sive care unit needs fur­ther ther­apy equip­ment.

Yours sincerely,

Walentina Sidorenko

Medical Music Preparations on CD
RRR 943 Pains / Post-operative Pains
Pains / Postoperative Pains

RRR 101 Vital Energy
Vital Energy

If you like to look at the complete program,
if you like to listen to the Medical Music Preparation or
if you want to download it,
please click on the CD-cover above.

If you click on the title, it will lead you to the
scientific research.

With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.