Periodic Duration

Pain Sensitivity

Activity Rhythms

Cosmic Rhythms

Endogenous Rhythms

Three Way Structure

Muscular Rhythms

Pain Wave Rhythms

Circulation & Respiration

Puls Breath Frequency

Rhythms in Sleep

Therapeutic Changes

Inhalation & Heart Period

Mother & Child

Heart & Arterial Oscillation

Phase Coordination

Walk & Heart Rhythm

Breathing & Heart Rhythm

Autonomic Rhythm

Hierarchy of Rhythms

Spontaneous Rhythms

Muscular Blood Circulation

Healing & Resistance

Spontaneous Rhythms





Prof. Dr. med. Gunther Hildebrandt  • Chronobiological Aspects of Music Physiology

In its cen­ter, how­ever, the func­tional be­hav­ior of breath­ing and heart rhythm pro­duces a bal­ance, thereby form­ing an or­ganic foun­da­tion for rhyth­mic-mu­si­cal sen­sa­tions and ac­tions. And, at the same time, we must not for­get that this three link struc­ture of hu­man time or­gan­ism is linked and in­fil­trated as a whole by the cos­mic pro­por­tions and har­mon­ies of en­vi­ron­men­tal rhythms (cf. il­lus­tra­tion 21).

Illustration 21

Dia­gram of the hi­er­ar­chi­cal in­ter­ac­tion of the long wave rhythms of hu­mans with the rhyth­mic modi­fi­ca­tion of the free jointed sys­tem of the en­doge­nous-auto­nomic rhythms. The or­di­nates of the pe­ri­odic du­ra­tion is loga­rith­mi­cally di­vided un­der­neath the daily rhythm, whereas above it is ar­bi­trar­ily stretched due to lack of space.

(According to HILDEBRANDT 1986)

With kind permission of AAR EDITION INTERNATIONAL

Subject to change in the interests of scientific advancement.