The Ancient Star Path of Our Ancestors to Cosmic Power
The Rainbow-Castles of the Day

“Now all the lament of your senses was over; steeped in fulfilment they now tumbled to and fro between the infinite bliss of your free will and the unbounded fullness of your conscience, again and again shining forth in gold.

And this was their very most natural, all-nourishing dance in that bliss-consciousness which is such an essential feature of god-consciousness.”

“What actually produces these golden happy sun-flashes in the midst of the blessing moon-clear brightness?” Mani asked.

“These are the desires again as we have seen them on the clearing with the herdsman, where they come together from all the worlds.

They all produce the golden thoughts in the blissful bright, snow-white glistening silence of pure consciousness.
“They keep hiding in these blissful thoughts, gleaming like the sun, like in golden garments, and call charmingly for supreme fulfilment so that the senses run happily towards them to see who is suddenly singing in the silence so gloriously.

“And by following these golden gleaming thoughts happily, the senses realize that they are indeed full of the highest delight and only sing their fulfilment with their lovely voices.

In that manner the senses adopt some of the golden delight of the fulfilled thoughts and in turn sing the bliss of the thoughts to make the one happy to whom the fulfilled thoughts sing so charmingly - the one who has actually produced them and who has now given them their dowry.

“Here in god-consciousness we are at that instance of the exercise of the herdsman where he had given the nectar-like milk of his wonder-cow to his desires, and where the fulfilled desires danced in the swinging roundelay on the clearing of life, permeating each other all the time, full of bright radiance.

The desires of someone in god-consciousness may be fulfilled individually but not yet as a whole.

This complete fulfilment comes about later, in unity-consciousness, and we witnessed this process of combined fulfilment when the herdsman gave the milk of happiness of the white cow once again to all the dancing desires, and thereupon they merged and grew together into the one magnificent golden glistening man who shone in his starry garment like the sun.

“With their chants of happiness the golden thoughts lure the senses, that rest in lively bliss, away from their all-nourishing milkcow of the free will and fulfil them with the golden nectar of the forces of conscience.

Inebriated with joy, the senses then produce their own celestial songs of delight in men and fulfill him.”

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©   A A R   E D I T I O N   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   1985
The Rainbow-Castles
of the Day

The Rainbow-Castle
of the Rising Sun
The Rainbow-Castle
of the Waxing Sun
The Rainbow-Castle
of the Sun